========================================== Dehacked support in BOOM, extended support ========================================== Changes: 8/28/98 added mnemonic representation for the bits of an item definition. Also added an appendix B with the default bit states for all DOOM2 Things. 5/16/98 added a A_NULL codepointer entry to clear an already existing code pointer to zero. 5/3/98 added SAVEGAMENAME string parameter to change the first part of the savegame name. 0-7 is appended during save. -------------------------------THINGS----------------------------- ##### USAGE ##### This is actually something you can use to hack your Dehacked output file to be more understandable and modifiable. Note that once you do this you won't be able to bring it back into Dehacked. You will find an area in a Dehacked output file for Things, starting with an entry such as: Thing 31 (Barrel) Down a few lines, if you've altered the bits at all, you'll see a line like: Bits = 205636102 That horrible number is why we are providing some mnemonics instead. All you need to do is to put the appropriate ones of the following mnemonics on the line where the big number is, and it'll be read in and converted to the number for you. An example line: Bits = SOLID+SHOOTABLE+NOBLOOD which converts to Bits = 524294 but you didn't have to figure that part out. Just use plus signs between the mnemonics. Here's the list, along with a bit of explanation of each, and the phrase that's used in Dehacked to describe them. If there are any disagreements between the 2 definitions, ours wins. There is a complete list of all the DOOM2 Things in Appendix B at the end of this file, with which bits they have by default in BOOM (including for example which Things are translucent) Mnemonic Bit mask Meaning / Dehacked phrase ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPECIAL, 0x00000001 - call P_Specialthing when touched Can be picked up SOLID, 0x00000002 - block movement Obstacle SHOOTABLE, 0x00000004 - can be hit Shootable NOSECTOR, 0x00000008 - invisible but touchable Total invisibility NOBLOCKMAP, 0x00000010 - inert but displayable Can't be hit AMBUSH, 0x00000020 - deaf monster Semi-deaf JUSTHIT, 0x00000040 - will try to attack right back In pain JUSTATTACKED, 0x00000080 - take at least 1 step before attacking Steps before attack SPAWNCEILING, 0x00000100 - initially hang from ceiling Hangs from ceiling NOGRAVITY, 0x00000200 - don't apply gravity during play No Gravity DROPOFF, 0x00000400 - can jump from high places Travels over cliffs PICKUP, 0x00000800 - will pick up items Picks up items NOCLIP, 0x00001000 - goes through walls No clipping SLIDE, 0x00002000 - keep info about sliding along walls Slides along walls FLOAT, 0x00004000 - allow movement to any height Floating TELEPORT, 0x00008000 - don't cross lines or look at teleport heights Semi-no clipping MISSILE, 0x00010000 - don't hit same species, explode on block Projectiles DROPPED, 0x00020000 - dropped, not spawned (like ammo clip) Disappearing weapon SHADOW, 0x00040000 - use fuzzy draw like spectres Partial invisibility NOBLOOD, 0x00080000 - puffs instead of blood when shot Puffs (vs. bleeds) CORPSE, 0x00100000 - so it will slide down steps when dead Sliding helpless INFLOAT, 0x00200000 - float but not to target height No auto-leveling COUNTKILL, 0x00400000 - count toward the kills total Affects Kill % COUNTITEM, 0x00800000 - count toward the items total Affects Item % SKULLFLY, 0x01000000 - special handling for flying skulls Running NOTDMATCH, 0x02000000 - do not spawn in deathmatch Not in deathmatch TRANSLATION, 0x04000000 - use translation table for color (players Color 1 (gray/red) UNUSED1, 0x08000000 - undefined or second bit for translation Color 2 (brown/red) UNUSED2, 0x10000000 - undefined UNUSED3, 0x20000000 - undefined UNUSED4, 0x40000000 - undefined TRANSLUCENT, 0x80000000 - apply translucency to sprite (BOOM) ----------------------------CODE POINTERS------------------------- ##### USAGE ##### Insert this block into your BEX file: [CODEPTR] FRAME nn = mnemonic ... The Frame number is the same as you would use in Dehacked, and the mnemonic is one of the ones listed below. These mnemonics, though not perfectly clear, are the actual names of the functions in DOOM that are called, so it makes the most sense to use them. When using Dehacked frame code pointer changes, BOOM will write out a line for each one used showing what you'd put into a BEX [CODEPTR] block, in the DEHOUT.TXT file. For example: Original Dehacked file lines: Pointer 93 (Frame 196) Codep Frame = 176 Output from BOOM in the DEHOUT.TXT file when processing them: Line='Pointer 93 (Frame 196)' Processing function [2] for Pointer Processing Pointer at index 196: Frame - applied 1c53c from codeptr[176] to states[196] BEX [CODEPTR] -> FRAME 196 = Chase You could then use this in the [CODEPTR] block of a BEX file instead of the Dehacked lines, making it much more clear that in frame 196 you expect the monster to Chase the player: FRAME 196 = Chase In addition, you can now put any code pointer into any frame, whereas Dehacked is limited to replacing only the existing ones. Valid mnemonics you can use: NULL << new, zeroes out an existing codepointer Light0 WeaponReady Lower Raise Punch ReFire FirePistol Light1 FireShotgun Light2 FireShotgun2 CheckReload OpenShotgun2 LoadShotgun2 CloseShotgun2 FireCGun GunFlash FireMissile Saw FirePlasma BFGsound FireBFG BFGSpray Explode Pain PlayerScream Fall XScream Look Chase FaceTarget PosAttack Scream SPosAttack VileChase VileStart VileTarget VileAttack StartFire Fire FireCrackle Tracer SkelWhoosh SkelFist SkelMissile FatRaise FatAttack1 FatAttack2 FatAttack3 BossDeath CPosAttack CPosRefire TroopAttack SargAttack HeadAttack BruisAttack SkullAttack Metal SpidRefire BabyMetal BspiAttack Hoof CyberAttack PainAttack PainDie KeenDie BrainPain BrainScream BrainDie BrainAwake BrainSpit SpawnSound SpawnFly BrainExplode See the end of this file for the Code Pointer Appendix which contains the actual default settings for code pointers and frames. Remember, changing code pointers with BEX files is no less prone to you trying to do something impossible that will crash than it ever was in Dehacked--it's just simpler and more flexible, and clearer to read, in specification. ----------------------------PAR TIMES----------------------------- ##### USAGE ##### Insert the following block in your BEX file, using one or more of the par lines depending on if you want to alter them for DOOM 1 or DOOM 2. [PARS] par e m p << for DOOM 1: episode, map, parseconds par m p << for DOOM 2: mapnumber, parseconds You may have as many par times listed as you wish in the pars block. ----------------------------INCLUDES------------------------------ ##### USAGE ##### To include a DEH or BEX file in another one, put one or more of the following lines in your BEX file: INCLUDE filename INCLUDE NOTEXT filename Filename must be specified in full, including a path if it's not going to be in the current directory, and including its .deh or .bex extension. By far better is to ship a file as a completely self-contained file, but you can use this during testing and development. The NOTEXT directive will cause BOOM to skip any deh-style text blocks in the included file, with the assumption that you're doing something else in your main BEX file instead. Note that this will include any text changes, including sprite names, etc. You may not nest include files (one include file can't include another). -----------------------------STRINGS------------------------------ ########## BACKGROUND ########## The basic Dehacked file is understood and properly evaluated to change such things as sounds, frame rewiring, Thing attributes, etc. No change is required to the original .deh file for those things. However, text is handled differently in BOOM for several reasons: 1. Dehacked by the nature of the program was simply doing a search and replace action on the strings as found in the executable. This is clumsy and dangerous, though as good as can be done when dealing with a compiled executable program. We now have the ability to change the actual string values during play, a safer and better solution. 2. Because Dehacked used the original string to find the place to plug in the replacement, there was no way to write a generic hack that would replace strings in all versions regardless of language. In BOOM, the strings are identified by their names, which are the same in all cases. 3. Because Dehacked was replacing strings in a physical location in the program file, it was limited to approximately the same size string as the original. Though this is generally practical, it is limiting in flexibility. BOOM allows any length string to replace any of the ones in the game (this also applies to cheats). 4. The purpose of replacing a string is to show the player some text at a particular point in the game. Finding the original text that was there and replacing it with other text worked, but logically what the author should have been able to do was assign strings depending on the desired purpose, and not have to recognize the original text to do so. In BOOM, all strings are identified by a mnemonic name (actually the name of the internal variable), making it easier to assign a string to its desired purpose. In later versions we may also make other aliases for some of those. Detailed information is available further down in this file, explaining the mnemonic codes that are used for all the replaceable strings. Note that some of the strings are always displayed in the small (uppercase only) font, so capitalization is not important for those. The dehacked method of supplying an old texture followed by a new one, with the lengths of the before and after strings in the dehacked file, will be supported so long as the old string can be found as the default value of one of the supported strings (see below). This should take care of 97% of actual hacks, since intermission texts, informational messages and level names for the automap are by far the most prevalent and important changes. We urge the patch authors to also provide new BEX format files, for clarity, supportability and flexibility. ##### USAGE ##### To use extended string support in BOOM, start the section with a [STRINGS] section marker, followed by lines that start with the key mnemonic, an equal sign, and the value to assign to that string. You may split the value to be assigned onto multiple lines by ending each line that is to be continued with a backslash. Don't put quotes around the string if you don't want them to show up in the result. A couple of examples: # Start comments with a # # Change the level name that shows up in the automap for MAP12: [STRINGS] HUSTR_12 = The Twelfth Night # and now the new red key message for switches PD_REDO = You need the scarlet pimpernel to \ turn on this machine. # Note that the blank before the backslash is included in the string # but that the indentation before the word "turn" is not, allowing # the change file to be easy to read. Other example files are included in the BEX_SAMP.ZIP file. All use the .bex extension to avoid conflict with existing .deh files of the same name. ######################################## MNEMONIC KEYS AND ORIGINAL VALUES TABLES ######################################## Note: If the original initial value is longer than about 40 characters, the string will have been truncated and will have an ellipsis (...) after the closing double-quote. There should be enough in the part that is shown to recognize it. If a string has C language printf() characters in it, such as %s or %d, you should be sure that your replacement string either contains the same ones in the same order, or that you leave them out of your string. If that confuses you, you need to learn C or leave 'em alone . Some trailing linefeeds have been removed for clarity, though \n in the middle of a string indicates an internal linefeed and your replacement can do likewise. =========================================== Part 1 - GENERAL INITIALIZATION AND PROMPTS =========================================== MNEMONIC Purpose Initial original value (just the first part if long) ------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- D_DEVSTR What shows during init if -devparm is used "Development mode ON." D_CDROM Init: if switch -cdrom is used "CD-ROM Version: default.cfg from c:\\doomdata" QUITMSG Default display when you pick Quit "are you sure you want to\nquit this great game?" LOADNET Warning when you try to load during a network game "you can't do load while in a net game!" QLOADNET Warning when you try quickload during a network game "you can't quickload during a netgame!" QSAVESPOT Warning when you quickload without a quicksaved game "you haven't picked a quicksave slot yet!" SAVEDEAD Warning when not playing or dead and you try to save "you can't save if you aren't playing!" QSPROMPT Prompt when quicksaving your game "quicksave over your game named\n\n'%s'?" QLPROMPT Prompt when quickloading a game "do you want to quickload the game named\n\n'%s'?" NEWGAME Warning if you try to start a game during network play "you can't start a new game\nwhile in a network"... NIGHTMARE Nightmare mode warning "are you sure? this skill level\nisn't even rem"... SWSTRING Warning when you pick any episode but 1 in Shareware "this is the shareware version of doom.\n\nyou '... MSGOFF Message when toggling messages off (F8) "Messages OFF" MSGON Message when toggling messages back on (F8) "Messages ON" NETEND Message when you try to Quit during a network game "you can't end a netgame!" ENDGAME Warning when you try to end the game "are you sure you want to end the game?" DETAILHI Message switching to high detail (obsolete in BOOM) "High detail" DETAILLO Message switching to high detail (obsolete in BOOM) "Low detail" GAMMALVL0 Message when gamma correction is set off "Gamma correction OFF" GAMMALVL1 Message when gamma correction is set to 1 "Gamma correction level 1" GAMMALVL2 Message when gamma correction is set to 2 "Gamma correction level 2" GAMMALVL3 Message when gamma correction is set to 3 "Gamma correction level 3" GAMMALVL4 Message when gamma correction is set to 4 "Gamma correction level 4" EMPTYSTRING Value that shows up in an unused savegame slot "empty slot" GGSAVED Message after a savegame has been written to disk "game saved." SAVEGAMENAME Saved game name, number is appended during save "BOOMSAV" << new 5/3/98 ============================================= Part 2 - MESSAGES WHEN THE PLAYER GETS THINGS ============================================= GOTARMOR Picking up the Green armor (100%) "Picked up the armor." GOTMEGA Picking up the Blue armor (200%) "Picked up the MegaArmor!" GOTHTHBONUS Picking up a health bottle (1%) "Picked up a health bonus." GOTARMBONUS Picking up an armor helmet (1%) "Picked up an armor bonus." GOTSTIM Picking up a stimpack (10%) "Picked up a stimpack." GOTMEDINEED Picking up a medikit (25%) when very low on health "Picked up a medikit that you REALLY need!" GOTMEDIKIT Picking up a medikit (25%) under normal conditions "Picked up a medikit." GOTSUPER Picking up the blue health orb (200%) "Supercharge!" GOTBLUECARD Picking up the blue keycard "Picked up a blue keycard." GOTYELWCARD Picking up the yellow keycard "Picked up a yellow keycard." GOTREDCARD Picking up the red keycard "Picked up a red keycard." GOTBLUESKUL Picking up the blue skull key "Picked up a blue skull key." GOTYELWSKUL Picking up the yellow skull key "Picked up a yellow skull key." GOTREDSKULL Picking up the red skull key "Picked up a red skull key." GOTINVUL Picking up the invulnerability sphere "Invulnerability!" GOTBERSERK Picking up the berserk box "Berserk!" GOTINVIS Picking up the invisibility sphere "Partial Invisibility" GOTSUIT Picking up the rad suit "Radiation Shielding Suit" GOTMAP Picking up the computer map "Computer Area Map" GOTVISOR Picking up the light-amp goggles "Light Amplification Visor" GOTMSPHERE Picking up the mega orb (200%/200%) "MegaSphere!" GOTCLIP Picking up an ammo clip "Picked up a clip." GOTCLIPBOX Picking up a box of ammo "Picked up a box of bullets." GOTROCKET Picking up a single rocket "Picked up a rocket." GOTROCKBOX Picking up a box of rockets "Picked up a box of rockets." GOTCELL Picking up an energy cell (20 units) "Picked up an energy cell." GOTCELLBOX Picking up an energy pack (100 units) "Picked up an energy cell pack." GOTSHELLS Picking up a set of 4 shells "Picked up 4 shotgun shells." GOTSHELLBOX Picking up a box of 20 shells "Picked up a box of shotgun shells." GOTBACKPACK Picking up a backpack "Picked up a backpack full of ammo!" GOTBFG9000 Picking up the BFG (weapon 7) "You got the BFG9000! Oh, yes." GOTCHAINGUN Picking up the chaingun (weapon 4) "You got the chaingun!" GOTCHAINSAW Picking up the chainsaw (weapon 8) "A chainsaw! Find some meat!" GOTLAUNCHER Picking up the rocket launcher (weapon 5) "You got the rocket launcher!" GOTPLASMA Picking up the plasma gun (weapon 6) "You got the plasma gun!" GOTSHOTGUN Picking up the shotgun (weapon 3) "You got the shotgun!" GOTSHOTGUN2 Picking up the double-barreled shotgun (weapon 9) "You got the super shotgun!" ====================================== Part 3 - MESSAGES WHEN KEYS ARE NEEDED (*)= BOOM extensions ====================================== PD_BLUEO When you don't have the blue key for a switch "You need a blue key to activate this object" PD_REDO When you don't have the red key for a switch "You need a red key to activate this object" PD_YELLOWO When you don't have the yellow key for a switch "You need a yellow key to activate this object" PD_BLUEK Blue key needed to open a door "You need a blue key to open this door" PD_REDK Red key needed to open a door "You need a red key to open this door" PD_YELLOWK Yellow key needed to open a door "You need a yellow key to open this door" PD_BLUEC Blue card key needed, not skull (*) "You need a blue card to open this door" PD_REDC Red card key needed, not skull (*) "You need a red card to open this door" PD_YELLOWC Yellow card key needed, not skull (*) "You need a yellow card to open this door" PD_BLUES Blue skull key needed, not card (*) "You need a blue skull to open this door" PD_REDS Red skull key needed, not card (*) "You need a red skull to open this door" PD_YELLOWS Yellow skull key needed, not card (*) "You need a yellow skull to open this door" PD_ANY You need a key but any of them will do (*) "Any key will open this door" PD_ALL3 You need red, blue and yellow keys (*) "You need all three keys to open this door" PD_ALL6 You need both skulls and cards in all 3 colors (*) "You need all six keys to open this door" ============================== Part 4 - MULTIPLAYER MESSAGING ============================== HUSTR_MSGU If you try to send a blank message? "[Message unsent]" HUSTR_MESSAGESENT After you send a message? Haven't seen it "[Message Sent]" * Chat macros 1-10 * Original values in quotes HUSTR_CHATMACRO1 "I'm ready to kick butt!" HUSTR_CHATMACRO2 "I'm OK." HUSTR_CHATMACRO3 "I'm not looking too good!" HUSTR_CHATMACRO4 "Help!" HUSTR_CHATMACRO5 "You suck!" HUSTR_CHATMACRO6 "Next time, scumbag..." HUSTR_CHATMACRO7 "Come here!" HUSTR_CHATMACRO8 "I'll take care of it." HUSTR_CHATMACRO9 "Yes" HUSTR_CHATMACRO0 "No" * What shows up when you message yourself, depending * on how many times you've done it during the game HUSTR_TALKTOSELF1 "You mumble to yourself" HUSTR_TALKTOSELF2 "Who's there?" HUSTR_TALKTOSELF3 "You scare yourself" HUSTR_TALKTOSELF4 "You start to rave" HUSTR_TALKTOSELF5 "You've lost it..." * Prefixes for the multiplayer messages when displayed HUSTR_PLRGREEN "Green: " HUSTR_PLRINDIGO "Indigo: " HUSTR_PLRBROWN "Brown: " HUSTR_PLRRED "Red: " =================================== Part 5 - LEVEL NAMES IN THE AUTOMAP =================================== * For DOOM - These names are made up of HUSTR_ and * ExMx for the episode and map numbers. Original * names are shown in quotes. Episode 4 entries are * for Ultimate DOOM only. * Blank lines separate sky change groupings HUSTR_E1M1 "E1M1: Hangar" HUSTR_E1M2 "E1M2: Nuclear Plant" HUSTR_E1M3 "E1M3: Toxin Refinery" HUSTR_E1M4 "E1M4: Command Control" HUSTR_E1M5 "E1M5: Phobos Lab" HUSTR_E1M6 "E1M6: Central Processing" HUSTR_E1M7 "E1M7: Computer Station" HUSTR_E1M8 "E1M8: Phobos Anomaly" HUSTR_E1M9 "E1M9: Military Base" HUSTR_E2M1 "E2M1: Deimos Anomaly" HUSTR_E2M2 "E2M2: Containment Area" HUSTR_E2M3 "E2M3: Refinery" HUSTR_E2M4 "E2M4: Deimos Lab" HUSTR_E2M5 "E2M5: Command Center" HUSTR_E2M6 "E2M6: Halls of the Damned" HUSTR_E2M7 "E2M7: Spawning Vats" HUSTR_E2M8 "E2M8: Tower of Babel" HUSTR_E2M9 "E2M9: Fortress of Mystery" HUSTR_E3M1 "E3M1: Hell Keep" HUSTR_E3M2 "E3M2: Slough of Despair" HUSTR_E3M3 "E3M3: Pandemonium" HUSTR_E3M4 "E3M4: House of Pain" HUSTR_E3M5 "E3M5: Unholy Cathedral" HUSTR_E3M6 "E3M6: Mt. Erebus" HUSTR_E3M7 "E3M7: Limbo" HUSTR_E3M8 "E3M8: Dis" HUSTR_E3M9 "E3M9: Warrens" HUSTR_E4M1 "E4M1: Hell Beneath" HUSTR_E4M2 "E4M2: Perfect Hatred" HUSTR_E4M3 "E4M3: Sever The Wicked" HUSTR_E4M4 "E4M4: Unruly Evil" HUSTR_E4M5 "E4M5: They Will Repent" HUSTR_E4M6 "E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly" HUSTR_E4M7 "E4M7: And Hell Followed" HUSTR_E4M8 "E4M8: Unto The Cruel" HUSTR_E4M9 "E4M9: Fear" * For DOOM2 - These names are made up of HUSTR_ and * a number for the map number. Original names are shown in quotes. * Blank lines separate sky change groupings HUSTR_1 "level 1: entryway" HUSTR_2 "level 2: underhalls" HUSTR_3 "level 3: the gantlet" HUSTR_4 "level 4: the focus" HUSTR_5 "level 5: the waste tunnels" HUSTR_6 "level 6: the crusher" HUSTR_7 "level 7: dead simple" HUSTR_8 "level 8: tricks and traps" HUSTR_9 "level 9: the pit" HUSTR_10 "level 10: refueling base" HUSTR_11 "level 11: 'o' of destruction!" HUSTR_12 "level 12: the factory" HUSTR_13 "level 13: downtown" HUSTR_14 "level 14: the inmost dens" HUSTR_15 "level 15: industrial zone" HUSTR_16 "level 16: suburbs" HUSTR_17 "level 17: tenements" HUSTR_18 "level 18: the courtyard" HUSTR_19 "level 19: the citadel" HUSTR_20 "level 20: gotcha!" HUSTR_21 "level 21: nirvana" HUSTR_22 "level 22: the catacombs" HUSTR_23 "level 23: barrels o' fun" HUSTR_24 "level 24: the chasm" HUSTR_25 "level 25: bloodfalls" HUSTR_26 "level 26: the abandoned mines" HUSTR_27 "level 27: monster condo" HUSTR_28 "level 28: the spirit world" HUSTR_29 "level 29: the living end" HUSTR_30 "level 30: icon of sin" * Secret levels HUSTR_31 "level 31: wolfenstein" HUSTR_32 "level 32: grosse" * For PLUTONIA - These names are made up of PHUSTR_ and * a number for the map number. Original names are shown in quotes. * Blank lines separate sky change groupings PHUSTR_1 "level 1: congo" PHUSTR_2 "level 2: well of souls" PHUSTR_3 "level 3: aztec" PHUSTR_4 "level 4: caged" PHUSTR_5 "level 5: ghost town" PHUSTR_6 "level 6: baron's lair" PHUSTR_7 "level 7: caughtyard" PHUSTR_8 "level 8: realm" PHUSTR_9 "level 9: abattoire" PHUSTR_10 "level 10: onslaught" PHUSTR_11 "level 11: hunted" PHUSTR_12 "level 12: speed" PHUSTR_13 "level 13: the crypt" PHUSTR_14 "level 14: genesis" PHUSTR_15 "level 15: the twilight" PHUSTR_16 "level 16: the omen" PHUSTR_17 "level 17: compound" PHUSTR_18 "level 18: neurosphere" PHUSTR_19 "level 19: nme" PHUSTR_20 "level 20: the death domain" PHUSTR_21 "level 21: slayer" PHUSTR_22 "level 22: impossible mission" PHUSTR_23 "level 23: tombstone" PHUSTR_24 "level 24: the final frontier" PHUSTR_25 "level 25: the temple of darkness" PHUSTR_26 "level 26: bunker" PHUSTR_27 "level 27: anti-christ" PHUSTR_28 "level 28: the sewers" PHUSTR_29 "level 29: odyssey of noises" PHUSTR_30 "level 30: the gateway of hell" PHUSTR_31 "level 31: cyberden" PHUSTR_32 "level 32: go 2 it" * For TNT:Evilution - These names are made up of THUSTR_ and * a number for the map number. Original names are shown in quotes. * Blank lines separate sky change groupings THUSTR_1 "level 1: system control" THUSTR_2 "level 2: human bbq" THUSTR_3 "level 3: power control" THUSTR_4 "level 4: wormhole" THUSTR_5 "level 5: hanger" THUSTR_6 "level 6: open season" THUSTR_7 "level 7: prison" THUSTR_8 "level 8: metal" THUSTR_9 "level 9: stronghold" THUSTR_10 "level 10: redemption" THUSTR_11 "level 11: storage facility" THUSTR_12 "level 12: crater" THUSTR_13 "level 13: nukage processing" THUSTR_14 "level 14: steel works" THUSTR_15 "level 15: dead zone" THUSTR_16 "level 16: deepest reaches" THUSTR_17 "level 17: processing area" THUSTR_18 "level 18: mill" THUSTR_19 "level 19: shipping/respawning" THUSTR_20 "level 20: central processing" THUSTR_21 "level 21: administration center" THUSTR_22 "level 22: habitat" THUSTR_23 "level 23: lunar mining project" THUSTR_24 "level 24: quarry" THUSTR_25 "level 25: baron's den" THUSTR_26 "level 26: ballistyx" THUSTR_27 "level 27: mount pain" THUSTR_28 "level 28: heck" THUSTR_29 "level 29: river styx" THUSTR_30 "level 30: last call" THUSTR_31 "level 31: pharaoh" THUSTR_32 "level 32: caribbean" ================================================ Part 6 - MESSAGES AS A RESULT OF TOGGLING STATES ================================================ AMSTR_FOLLOWON Automap follow mode toggled on (F) "Follow Mode ON" AMSTR_FOLLOWOFF Automap follow mode toggled off (F) "Follow Mode OFF" AMSTR_GRIDON Automap grid mode toggled on (G) "Grid ON" AMSTR_GRIDOFF Automap grid mode toggled off (G) "Grid OFF" AMSTR_MARKEDSPOT Automap spot marked (M) "Marked Spot" AMSTR_MARKSCLEARED Automap marks cleared (C) "All Marks Cleared" STSTR_MUS Music changed with IDMUSnn "Music Change" STSTR_NOMUS Error message [IDMUS] to bad number "IMPOSSIBLE SELECTION" STSTR_DQDON God mode toggled on [IDDQD] "Degreelessness Mode On" STSTR_DQDOFF God mode toggled off [IDDQD] "Degreelessness Mode Off" STSTR_KFAADDED Ammo and keys added [IDKFA] "Very Happy Ammo Added" STSTR_FAADDED Ammo no keys added [IDK or IDKA] "Ammo (no keys) Added" STSTR_NCON Walk through walls toggled on [IDCLIP or IDSPISPOPD] "No Clipping Mode ON" STSTR_NCOFF Walk through walls off [IDCLIP or IDSPISPOPD] "No Clipping Mode OFF" STSTR_BEHOLD Prompt for IDBEHOLD cheat menu "inVuln, Str, Inviso, Rad, Allmap, or Lite-amp" STSTR_BEHOLDX Prompt after toggling the special with IDBEHOLD "Power-up Toggled" STSTR_CHOPPERS Message when the chainsaw is picked [IDCHOPPERS] "... doesn't suck - GM" STSTR_CLEV Message while changing levels [IDCLEVxx] "Changing Level..." STSTR_COMPON Message when turning on DOOM compatibility mode (*) "Compatibility Mode On" STSTR_COMPOFF Message when turning off DOOM compatibility mode (*) "Compatibility Mode Off" =================================== Part 7 - EPISODE INTERMISSION TEXTS =================================== * DOOM/Ultimate DOOM Intermissions E1TEXT Message after Episode 1 of DOOM "Once you beat the big badasses and\nclean out "... E2TEXT Message after Episode 2 of DOOM "You've done it! The hideous cyber-\ndemon lord"... E3TEXT Message after Episode 3 of DOOM "The loathsome spiderdemon that\nmasterminded t"... E4TEXT Message after Episode 4 of Ultimate DOOM "the spider mastermind must have sent forth\nit"... * DOOM2 Intermissions C1TEXT Message after MAP06 "YOU HAVE ENTERED DEEPLY INTO THE INFESTED\nSTA"... C2TEXT Message after MAP11 "YOU HAVE WON! YOUR VICTORY HAS ENABLED\nHUMANK"... C3TEXT Message after MAP20 "YOU ARE AT THE CORRUPT HEART OF THE CITY,\nSUR"... C4TEXT Message after MAP30 "THE HORRENDOUS VISAGE OF THE BIGGEST\nDEMON YO"... C5TEXT Message when entering MAP31 "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE SECRET\nLEVE"... C6TEXT Message when entering MAP32 "CONGRATULATIONS, YOU'VE FOUND THE\nSUPER SECRE"... * PLUTONIA Intermissions P1TEXT Message after MAP06 "You gloat over the steaming carcass of the\nGu"... P2TEXT Message after MAP11 "Even the deadly Arch-Vile labyrinth could\nnot"... P3TEXT Message after MAP20 "You've bashed and battered your way into\nthe "... P4TEXT Message after MAP30 "The Gatekeeper's evil face is splattered\nall "... P5TEXT Message when entering MAP31 "You've found the second-hardest level we\ngot."... P6TEXT Message when entering MAP32 "Betcha wondered just what WAS the hardest\nlev"... * TNT:Evilution Intermissions T1TEXT Message after MAP06 "You've fought your way out of the infested\nex"... T2TEXT Message after MAP11 "You hear the grinding of heavy machinery\nahea"... T3TEXT Message after MAP20 "The vista opening ahead looks real damn\nfamil"... T4TEXT Message after MAP30 "Suddenly, all is silent, from one horizon\nto "... T5TEXT Message when entering MAP31 "What now? Looks totally different. Kind\nof li"... T6TEXT Message when entering MAP32 "Time for a vacation. You've burst the\nbowels "... ====================================== Part 8 - CREATURE NAMES FOR THE FINALE ====================================== CC_ZOMBIE Trooper "ZOMBIEMAN" CC_SHOTGUN Sargeant "SHOTGUN GUY" CC_HEAVY Chaingunner "HEAVY WEAPON DUDE" CC_IMP Imp "IMP" CC_DEMON Demon "DEMON" CC_LOST Lost Soul "LOST SOUL" CC_CACO Cacodemon "CACODEMON" CC_HELL Hell Knight "HELL KNIGHT" CC_BARON Baron of Hell "BARON OF HELL" CC_ARACH Arachnotron (baby spider) "ARACHNOTRON" CC_PAIN Pain Elemental "PAIN ELEMENTAL" CC_REVEN Revenant "REVENANT" CC_MANCU Mancubus "MANCUBUS" CC_ARCH Arch Vile "ARCH-VILE" CC_SPIDER Spider Mastermind "THE SPIDER MASTERMIND" CC_CYBER Cyberdemon "THE CYBERDEMON" CC_HERO Green player "OUR HERO" ======================================= Part 9 - INTERMISSION TILED BACKGROUNDS ======================================= BGFLATE1 End of DOOM Episode 1 "FLOOR4_8" BGFLATE2 End of DOOM Episode 2 "SFLR6_1" BGFLATE3 End of DOOM Episode 3 "MFLR8_4" BGFLATE4 End of DOOM Episode 4 "MFLR8_3" BGFLAT06 DOOM2 after MAP06 "SLIME16" BGFLAT11 DOOM2 after MAP11 "RROCK14" BGFLAT20 DOOM2 after MAP20 "RROCK07" BGFLAT30 DOOM2 after MAP30 "RROCK17" BGFLAT15 DOOM2 going MAP15 to MAP31 "RROCK13" BGFLAT31 DOOM2 going MAP31 to MAP32 "RROCK19" BGCASTCALL Panel behind cast call "BOSSBACK" ============================== Part 10 - NEW: STARTUP BANNERS ============================== STARTUP1 Starting strings to be displayed during startup "" STARTUP2 Leave them blank to not display "" STARTUP3 You may include \n to split a line "" STARTUP4 Have a nice time "" STARTUP5 Burma Shave "" ======================================================================= ################################# CODE POINTER INFORMATION APPENDIX ################################# This comes directly from the source code, with frame numbers inserted. at the beginning of the line. Values are as follows, separated by : commas. Don't worry if you don't understand C, you'll get the idea. This is the stuff that Dehacked messes with in the Frames section, and for the most part we don't care because we don't do that stuff in here. Note that the "zero'th" entry is a dummy one--don't use it. First, 3 things we can ignore Name of the sprite, preceded by SPR_ Subsprite number Duration in tics Then the code pointer, which is what we really care about here Code pointer Then some frame info and spare parts Next frame if any (see the // comment at the end of the line for the identifier for that line) A couple of zeroes Wherever you see {NULL} as the code pointer, that means there isn't anything there now. Otherwise it's the mnemonic we use in BOOM BEX file code pointers, preceded by "A_". A mnemonic entry for the NULL pointer is available using mnemonic "NULL" [0] dummy {SPR_TROO,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_NULL [1] {SPR_SHTG,4,0,{A_Light0},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_LIGHTDONE [2] {SPR_PUNG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_PUNCH,0,0}, // S_PUNCH [3] {SPR_PUNG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_PUNCHDOWN,0,0}, // S_PUNCHDOWN [4] {SPR_PUNG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_PUNCHUP,0,0}, // S_PUNCHUP [5] {SPR_PUNG,1,4,{NULL},S_PUNCH2,0,0}, // S_PUNCH1 [6] {SPR_PUNG,2,4,{A_Punch},S_PUNCH3,0,0}, // S_PUNCH2 [7] {SPR_PUNG,3,5,{NULL},S_PUNCH4,0,0}, // S_PUNCH3 [8] {SPR_PUNG,2,4,{NULL},S_PUNCH5,0,0}, // S_PUNCH4 [9] {SPR_PUNG,1,5,{A_ReFire},S_PUNCH,0,0}, // S_PUNCH5 [10] {SPR_PISG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_PISTOL,0,0},// S_PISTOL [11] {SPR_PISG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_PISTOLDOWN,0,0}, // S_PISTOLDOWN [12] {SPR_PISG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_PISTOLUP,0,0}, // S_PISTOLUP [13] {SPR_PISG,0,4,{NULL},S_PISTOL2,0,0}, // S_PISTOL1 [14] {SPR_PISG,1,6,{A_FirePistol},S_PISTOL3,0,0},// S_PISTOL2 [15] {SPR_PISG,2,4,{NULL},S_PISTOL4,0,0}, // S_PISTOL3 [16] {SPR_PISG,1,5,{A_ReFire},S_PISTOL,0,0}, // S_PISTOL4 [17] {SPR_PISF,32768,7,{A_Light1},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_PISTOLFLASH [18] {SPR_SHTG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_SGUN,0,0}, // S_SGUN [19] {SPR_SHTG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_SGUNDOWN,0,0}, // S_SGUNDOWN [20] {SPR_SHTG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_SGUNUP,0,0}, // S_SGUNUP [21] {SPR_SHTG,0,3,{NULL},S_SGUN2,0,0}, // S_SGUN1 [22] {SPR_SHTG,0,7,{A_FireShotgun},S_SGUN3,0,0}, // S_SGUN2 [23] {SPR_SHTG,1,5,{NULL},S_SGUN4,0,0}, // S_SGUN3 [24] {SPR_SHTG,2,5,{NULL},S_SGUN5,0,0}, // S_SGUN4 [25] {SPR_SHTG,3,4,{NULL},S_SGUN6,0,0}, // S_SGUN5 [26] {SPR_SHTG,2,5,{NULL},S_SGUN7,0,0}, // S_SGUN6 [27] {SPR_SHTG,1,5,{NULL},S_SGUN8,0,0}, // S_SGUN7 [28] {SPR_SHTG,0,3,{NULL},S_SGUN9,0,0}, // S_SGUN8 [29] {SPR_SHTG,0,7,{A_ReFire},S_SGUN,0,0}, // S_SGUN9 [30] {SPR_SHTF,32768,4,{A_Light1},S_SGUNFLASH2,0,0}, // S_SGUNFLASH1 [31] {SPR_SHTF,32769,3,{A_Light2},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_SGUNFLASH2 [32] {SPR_SHT2,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_DSGUN,0,0}, // S_DSGUN [33] {SPR_SHT2,0,1,{A_Lower},S_DSGUNDOWN,0,0}, // S_DSGUNDOWN [34] {SPR_SHT2,0,1,{A_Raise},S_DSGUNUP,0,0}, // S_DSGUNUP [35] {SPR_SHT2,0,3,{NULL},S_DSGUN2,0,0}, // S_DSGUN1 [36] {SPR_SHT2,0,7,{A_FireShotgun2},S_DSGUN3,0,0}, // S_DSGUN2 [37] {SPR_SHT2,1,7,{NULL},S_DSGUN4,0,0}, // S_DSGUN3 [38] {SPR_SHT2,2,7,{A_CheckReload},S_DSGUN5,0,0}, // S_DSGUN4 [39] {SPR_SHT2,3,7,{A_OpenShotgun2},S_DSGUN6,0,0}, // S_DSGUN5 [40] {SPR_SHT2,4,7,{NULL},S_DSGUN7,0,0}, // S_DSGUN6 [41] {SPR_SHT2,5,7,{A_LoadShotgun2},S_DSGUN8,0,0}, // S_DSGUN7 [42] {SPR_SHT2,6,6,{NULL},S_DSGUN9,0,0}, // S_DSGUN8 [43] {SPR_SHT2,7,6,{A_CloseShotgun2},S_DSGUN10,0,0}, // S_DSGUN9 [44] {SPR_SHT2,0,5,{A_ReFire},S_DSGUN,0,0}, // S_DSGUN10 [45] {SPR_SHT2,1,7,{NULL},S_DSNR2,0,0}, // S_DSNR1 [46] {SPR_SHT2,0,3,{NULL},S_DSGUNDOWN,0,0}, // S_DSNR2 [47] {SPR_SHT2,32776,5,{A_Light1},S_DSGUNFLASH2,0,0}, // S_DSGUNFLASH1 [48] {SPR_SHT2,32777,4,{A_Light2},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_DSGUNFLASH2 [49] {SPR_CHGG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_CHAIN,0,0}, // S_CHAIN [50] {SPR_CHGG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_CHAINDOWN,0,0}, // S_CHAINDOWN [51] {SPR_CHGG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_CHAINUP,0,0}, // S_CHAINUP [52] {SPR_CHGG,0,4,{A_FireCGun},S_CHAIN2,0,0}, // S_CHAIN1 [53] {SPR_CHGG,1,4,{A_FireCGun},S_CHAIN3,0,0}, // S_CHAIN2 [54] {SPR_CHGG,1,0,{A_ReFire},S_CHAIN,0,0}, // S_CHAIN3 [55] {SPR_CHGF,32768,5,{A_Light1},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_CHAINFLASH1 [56] {SPR_CHGF,32769,5,{A_Light2},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_CHAINFLASH2 [57] {SPR_MISG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_MISSILE,0,0}, // S_MISSILE [58] {SPR_MISG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_MISSILEDOWN,0,0}, // S_MISSILEDOWN [59] {SPR_MISG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_MISSILEUP,0,0}, // S_MISSILEUP [60] {SPR_MISG,1,8,{A_GunFlash},S_MISSILE2,0,0}, // S_MISSILE1 [61] {SPR_MISG,1,12,{A_FireMissile},S_MISSILE3,0,0}, // S_MISSILE2 [62] {SPR_MISG,1,0,{A_ReFire},S_MISSILE,0,0}, // S_MISSILE3 [63] {SPR_MISF,32768,3,{A_Light1},S_MISSILEFLASH2,0,0}, // S_MISSILEFLASH1 [64] {SPR_MISF,32769,4,{NULL},S_MISSILEFLASH3,0,0}, // S_MISSILEFLASH2 [65] {SPR_MISF,32770,4,{A_Light2},S_MISSILEFLASH4,0,0}, // S_MISSILEFLASH3 [66] {SPR_MISF,32771,4,{A_Light2},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_MISSILEFLASH4 [67] {SPR_SAWG,2,4,{A_WeaponReady},S_SAWB,0,0}, // S_SAW [68] {SPR_SAWG,3,4,{A_WeaponReady},S_SAW,0,0}, // S_SAWB [69] {SPR_SAWG,2,1,{A_Lower},S_SAWDOWN,0,0}, // S_SAWDOWN [70] {SPR_SAWG,2,1,{A_Raise},S_SAWUP,0,0}, // S_SAWUP [71] {SPR_SAWG,0,4,{A_Saw},S_SAW2,0,0}, // S_SAW1 [72] {SPR_SAWG,1,4,{A_Saw},S_SAW3,0,0}, // S_SAW2 [73] {SPR_SAWG,1,0,{A_ReFire},S_SAW,0,0}, // S_SAW3 [74] {SPR_PLSG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_PLASMA,0,0}, // S_PLASMA [75] {SPR_PLSG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_PLASMADOWN,0,0}, // S_PLASMADOWN [76] {SPR_PLSG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_PLASMAUP,0,0}, // S_PLASMAUP [77] {SPR_PLSG,0,3,{A_FirePlasma},S_PLASMA2,0,0}, // S_PLASMA1 [78] {SPR_PLSG,1,20,{A_ReFire},S_PLASMA,0,0}, // S_PLASMA2 [79] {SPR_PLSF,32768,4,{A_Light1},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_PLASMAFLASH1 [80] {SPR_PLSF,32769,4,{A_Light1},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_PLASMAFLASH2 [81] {SPR_BFGG,0,1,{A_WeaponReady},S_BFG,0,0}, // S_BFG [82] {SPR_BFGG,0,1,{A_Lower},S_BFGDOWN,0,0}, // S_BFGDOWN [83] {SPR_BFGG,0,1,{A_Raise},S_BFGUP,0,0}, // S_BFGUP [84] {SPR_BFGG,0,20,{A_BFGsound},S_BFG2,0,0}, // S_BFG1 [85] {SPR_BFGG,1,10,{A_GunFlash},S_BFG3,0,0}, // S_BFG2 [86] {SPR_BFGG,1,10,{A_FireBFG},S_BFG4,0,0}, // S_BFG3 [87] {SPR_BFGG,1,20,{A_ReFire},S_BFG,0,0}, // S_BFG4 [88] {SPR_BFGF,32768,11,{A_Light1},S_BFGFLASH2,0,0}, // S_BFGFLASH1 [89] {SPR_BFGF,32769,6,{A_Light2},S_LIGHTDONE,0,0}, // S_BFGFLASH2 [90] {SPR_BLUD,2,8,{NULL},S_BLOOD2,0,0}, // S_BLOOD1 [91] {SPR_BLUD,1,8,{NULL},S_BLOOD3,0,0}, // S_BLOOD2 [92] {SPR_BLUD,0,8,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BLOOD3 [93] {SPR_PUFF,32768,4,{NULL},S_PUFF2,0,0}, // S_PUFF1 [94] {SPR_PUFF,1,4,{NULL},S_PUFF3,0,0}, // S_PUFF2 [95] {SPR_PUFF,2,4,{NULL},S_PUFF4,0,0}, // S_PUFF3 [96] {SPR_PUFF,3,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PUFF4 [97] {SPR_BAL1,32768,4,{NULL},S_TBALL2,0,0}, // S_TBALL1 [98] {SPR_BAL1,32769,4,{NULL},S_TBALL1,0,0}, // S_TBALL2 [99] {SPR_BAL1,32770,6,{NULL},S_TBALLX2,0,0}, // S_TBALLX1 [100] {SPR_BAL1,32771,6,{NULL},S_TBALLX3,0,0}, // S_TBALLX2 [101] {SPR_BAL1,32772,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TBALLX3 [102] {SPR_BAL2,32768,4,{NULL},S_RBALL2,0,0}, // S_RBALL1 [103] {SPR_BAL2,32769,4,{NULL},S_RBALL1,0,0}, // S_RBALL2 [104] {SPR_BAL2,32770,6,{NULL},S_RBALLX2,0,0}, // S_RBALLX1 [105] {SPR_BAL2,32771,6,{NULL},S_RBALLX3,0,0}, // S_RBALLX2 [106] {SPR_BAL2,32772,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_RBALLX3 [107] {SPR_PLSS,32768,6,{NULL},S_PLASBALL2,0,0}, // S_PLASBALL [108] {SPR_PLSS,32769,6,{NULL},S_PLASBALL,0,0}, // S_PLASBALL2 [109] {SPR_PLSE,32768,4,{NULL},S_PLASEXP2,0,0}, // S_PLASEXP [110] {SPR_PLSE,32769,4,{NULL},S_PLASEXP3,0,0}, // S_PLASEXP2 [111] {SPR_PLSE,32770,4,{NULL},S_PLASEXP4,0,0}, // S_PLASEXP3 [112] {SPR_PLSE,32771,4,{NULL},S_PLASEXP5,0,0}, // S_PLASEXP4 [113] {SPR_PLSE,32772,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PLASEXP5 [114] {SPR_MISL,32768,1,{NULL},S_ROCKET,0,0}, // S_ROCKET [115] {SPR_BFS1,32768,4,{NULL},S_BFGSHOT2,0,0}, // S_BFGSHOT [116] {SPR_BFS1,32769,4,{NULL},S_BFGSHOT,0,0}, // S_BFGSHOT2 [117] {SPR_BFE1,32768,8,{NULL},S_BFGLAND2,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND [118] {SPR_BFE1,32769,8,{NULL},S_BFGLAND3,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND2 [119] {SPR_BFE1,32770,8,{A_BFGSpray},S_BFGLAND4,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND3 [120] {SPR_BFE1,32771,8,{NULL},S_BFGLAND5,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND4 [121] {SPR_BFE1,32772,8,{NULL},S_BFGLAND6,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND5 [122] {SPR_BFE1,32773,8,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BFGLAND6 [123] {SPR_BFE2,32768,8,{NULL},S_BFGEXP2,0,0}, // S_BFGEXP [124] {SPR_BFE2,32769,8,{NULL},S_BFGEXP3,0,0}, // S_BFGEXP2 [125] {SPR_BFE2,32770,8,{NULL},S_BFGEXP4,0,0}, // S_BFGEXP3 [126] {SPR_BFE2,32771,8,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BFGEXP4 [127] {SPR_MISL,32769,8,{A_Explode},S_EXPLODE2,0,0}, // S_EXPLODE1 [128] {SPR_MISL,32770,6,{NULL},S_EXPLODE3,0,0}, // S_EXPLODE2 [129] {SPR_MISL,32771,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_EXPLODE3 [130] {SPR_TFOG,32768,6,{NULL},S_TFOG01,0,0}, // S_TFOG [131] {SPR_TFOG,32769,6,{NULL},S_TFOG02,0,0}, // S_TFOG01 [132] {SPR_TFOG,32768,6,{NULL},S_TFOG2,0,0}, // S_TFOG02 [133] {SPR_TFOG,32769,6,{NULL},S_TFOG3,0,0}, // S_TFOG2 [134] {SPR_TFOG,32770,6,{NULL},S_TFOG4,0,0}, // S_TFOG3 [135] {SPR_TFOG,32771,6,{NULL},S_TFOG5,0,0}, // S_TFOG4 [136] {SPR_TFOG,32772,6,{NULL},S_TFOG6,0,0}, // S_TFOG5 [137] {SPR_TFOG,32773,6,{NULL},S_TFOG7,0,0}, // S_TFOG6 [138] {SPR_TFOG,32774,6,{NULL},S_TFOG8,0,0}, // S_TFOG7 [139] {SPR_TFOG,32775,6,{NULL},S_TFOG9,0,0}, // S_TFOG8 [140] {SPR_TFOG,32776,6,{NULL},S_TFOG10,0,0}, // S_TFOG9 [141] {SPR_TFOG,32777,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TFOG10 [142] {SPR_IFOG,32768,6,{NULL},S_IFOG01,0,0}, // S_IFOG [143] {SPR_IFOG,32769,6,{NULL},S_IFOG02,0,0}, // S_IFOG01 [144] {SPR_IFOG,32768,6,{NULL},S_IFOG2,0,0}, // S_IFOG02 [145] {SPR_IFOG,32769,6,{NULL},S_IFOG3,0,0}, // S_IFOG2 [146] {SPR_IFOG,32770,6,{NULL},S_IFOG4,0,0}, // S_IFOG3 [147] {SPR_IFOG,32771,6,{NULL},S_IFOG5,0,0}, // S_IFOG4 [148] {SPR_IFOG,32772,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_IFOG5 [149] {SPR_PLAY,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PLAY [150] {SPR_PLAY,0,4,{NULL},S_PLAY_RUN2,0,0}, // S_PLAY_RUN1 [151] {SPR_PLAY,1,4,{NULL},S_PLAY_RUN3,0,0}, // S_PLAY_RUN2 [152] {SPR_PLAY,2,4,{NULL},S_PLAY_RUN4,0,0}, // S_PLAY_RUN3 [153] {SPR_PLAY,3,4,{NULL},S_PLAY_RUN1,0,0}, // S_PLAY_RUN4 [154] {SPR_PLAY,4,12,{NULL},S_PLAY,0,0}, // S_PLAY_ATK1 [155] {SPR_PLAY,32773,6,{NULL},S_PLAY_ATK1,0,0}, // S_PLAY_ATK2 [156] {SPR_PLAY,6,4,{NULL},S_PLAY_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_PLAY_PAIN [157] {SPR_PLAY,6,4,{A_Pain},S_PLAY,0,0}, // S_PLAY_PAIN2 [158] {SPR_PLAY,7,10,{NULL},S_PLAY_DIE2,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE1 [159] {SPR_PLAY,8,10,{A_PlayerScream},S_PLAY_DIE3,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE2 [160] {SPR_PLAY,9,10,{A_Fall},S_PLAY_DIE4,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE3 [161] {SPR_PLAY,10,10,{NULL},S_PLAY_DIE5,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE4 [162] {SPR_PLAY,11,10,{NULL},S_PLAY_DIE6,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE5 [163] {SPR_PLAY,12,10,{NULL},S_PLAY_DIE7,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE6 [164] {SPR_PLAY,13,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PLAY_DIE7 [165] {SPR_PLAY,14,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE1 [166] {SPR_PLAY,15,5,{A_XScream},S_PLAY_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE2 [167] {SPR_PLAY,16,5,{A_Fall},S_PLAY_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE3 [168] {SPR_PLAY,17,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE4 [169] {SPR_PLAY,18,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE5 [170] {SPR_PLAY,19,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE7,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE6 [171] {SPR_PLAY,20,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE8,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE7 [172] {SPR_PLAY,21,5,{NULL},S_PLAY_XDIE9,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE8 [173] {SPR_PLAY,22,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PLAY_XDIE9 [174] {SPR_POSS,0,10,{A_Look},S_POSS_STND2,0,0}, // S_POSS_STND [175] {SPR_POSS,1,10,{A_Look},S_POSS_STND,0,0}, // S_POSS_STND2 [176] {SPR_POSS,0,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN2,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN1 [177] {SPR_POSS,0,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN3,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN2 [178] {SPR_POSS,1,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN4,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN3 [179] {SPR_POSS,1,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN5,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN4 [180] {SPR_POSS,2,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN6,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN5 [181] {SPR_POSS,2,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN7,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN6 [182] {SPR_POSS,3,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN8,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN7 [183] {SPR_POSS,3,4,{A_Chase},S_POSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_POSS_RUN8 [184] {SPR_POSS,4,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_POSS_ATK2,0,0}, // S_POSS_ATK1 [185] {SPR_POSS,5,8,{A_PosAttack},S_POSS_ATK3,0,0}, // S_POSS_ATK2 [186] {SPR_POSS,4,8,{NULL},S_POSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_POSS_ATK3 [187] {SPR_POSS,6,3,{NULL},S_POSS_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_POSS_PAIN [188] {SPR_POSS,6,3,{A_Pain},S_POSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_POSS_PAIN2 [189] {SPR_POSS,7,5,{NULL},S_POSS_DIE2,0,0}, // S_POSS_DIE1 [190] {SPR_POSS,8,5,{A_Scream},S_POSS_DIE3,0,0}, // S_POSS_DIE2 [191] {SPR_POSS,9,5,{A_Fall},S_POSS_DIE4,0,0}, // S_POSS_DIE3 [192] {SPR_POSS,10,5,{NULL},S_POSS_DIE5,0,0}, // S_POSS_DIE4 [193] {SPR_POSS,11,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_POSS_DIE5 [194] {SPR_POSS,12,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE1 [195] {SPR_POSS,13,5,{A_XScream},S_POSS_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE2 [196] {SPR_POSS,14,5,{A_Fall},S_POSS_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE3 [197] {SPR_POSS,15,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE4 [198] {SPR_POSS,16,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE5 [199] {SPR_POSS,17,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE7,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE6 [200] {SPR_POSS,18,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE8,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE7 [201] {SPR_POSS,19,5,{NULL},S_POSS_XDIE9,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE8 [202] {SPR_POSS,20,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_POSS_XDIE9 [203] {SPR_POSS,10,5,{NULL},S_POSS_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_POSS_RAISE1 [204] {SPR_POSS,9,5,{NULL},S_POSS_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_POSS_RAISE2 [205] {SPR_POSS,8,5,{NULL},S_POSS_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_POSS_RAISE3 [206] {SPR_POSS,7,5,{NULL},S_POSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_POSS_RAISE4 [207] {SPR_SPOS,0,10,{A_Look},S_SPOS_STND2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_STND [208] {SPR_SPOS,1,10,{A_Look},S_SPOS_STND,0,0}, // S_SPOS_STND2 [209] {SPR_SPOS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN1 [210] {SPR_SPOS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN3,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN2 [211] {SPR_SPOS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN4,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN3 [212] {SPR_SPOS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN5,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN4 [213] {SPR_SPOS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN6,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN5 [214] {SPR_SPOS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN7,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN6 [215] {SPR_SPOS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN8,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN7 [216] {SPR_SPOS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RUN8 [217] {SPR_SPOS,4,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SPOS_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_ATK1 [218] {SPR_SPOS,32773,10,{A_SPosAttack},S_SPOS_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SPOS_ATK2 [219] {SPR_SPOS,4,10,{NULL},S_SPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPOS_ATK3 [220] {SPR_SPOS,6,3,{NULL},S_SPOS_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_PAIN [221] {SPR_SPOS,6,3,{A_Pain},S_SPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPOS_PAIN2 [222] {SPR_SPOS,7,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_DIE1 [223] {SPR_SPOS,8,5,{A_Scream},S_SPOS_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SPOS_DIE2 [224] {SPR_SPOS,9,5,{A_Fall},S_SPOS_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SPOS_DIE3 [225] {SPR_SPOS,10,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SPOS_DIE4 [226] {SPR_SPOS,11,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SPOS_DIE5 [227] {SPR_SPOS,12,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE1 [228] {SPR_SPOS,13,5,{A_XScream},S_SPOS_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE2 [229] {SPR_SPOS,14,5,{A_Fall},S_SPOS_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE3 [230] {SPR_SPOS,15,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE4 [231] {SPR_SPOS,16,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE5 [232] {SPR_SPOS,17,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE7,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE6 [233] {SPR_SPOS,18,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE8,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE7 [234] {SPR_SPOS,19,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_XDIE9,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE8 [235] {SPR_SPOS,20,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SPOS_XDIE9 [236] {SPR_SPOS,11,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RAISE1 [237] {SPR_SPOS,10,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RAISE2 [238] {SPR_SPOS,9,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RAISE3 [239] {SPR_SPOS,8,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RAISE4 [240] {SPR_SPOS,7,5,{NULL},S_SPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPOS_RAISE5 [241] {SPR_VILE,0,10,{A_Look},S_VILE_STND2,0,0}, // S_VILE_STND [242] {SPR_VILE,1,10,{A_Look},S_VILE_STND,0,0}, // S_VILE_STND2 [243] {SPR_VILE,0,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN2,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN1 [244] {SPR_VILE,0,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN3,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN2 [245] {SPR_VILE,1,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN4,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN3 [246] {SPR_VILE,1,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN5,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN4 [247] {SPR_VILE,2,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN6,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN5 [248] {SPR_VILE,2,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN7,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN6 [249] {SPR_VILE,3,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN8,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN7 [250] {SPR_VILE,3,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN9,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN8 [251] {SPR_VILE,4,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN10,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN9 [252] {SPR_VILE,4,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN11,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN10 [253] {SPR_VILE,5,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN12,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN11 [254] {SPR_VILE,5,2,{A_VileChase},S_VILE_RUN1,0,0}, // S_VILE_RUN12 [255] {SPR_VILE,32774,0,{A_VileStart},S_VILE_ATK2,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK1 [256] {SPR_VILE,32774,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK3,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK2 [257] {SPR_VILE,32775,8,{A_VileTarget},S_VILE_ATK4,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK3 [258] {SPR_VILE,32776,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK5,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK4 [259] {SPR_VILE,32777,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK6,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK5 [260] {SPR_VILE,32778,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK7,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK6 [261] {SPR_VILE,32779,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK8,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK7 [262] {SPR_VILE,32780,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK9,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK8 [263] {SPR_VILE,32781,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_VILE_ATK10,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK9 [264] {SPR_VILE,32782,8,{A_VileAttack},S_VILE_ATK11,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK10 [265] {SPR_VILE,32783,20,{NULL},S_VILE_RUN1,0,0}, // S_VILE_ATK11 [266] {SPR_VILE,32794,10,{NULL},S_VILE_HEAL2,0,0}, // S_VILE_HEAL1 [267] {SPR_VILE,32795,10,{NULL},S_VILE_HEAL3,0,0}, // S_VILE_HEAL2 [268] {SPR_VILE,32796,10,{NULL},S_VILE_RUN1,0,0}, // S_VILE_HEAL3 [269] {SPR_VILE,16,5,{NULL},S_VILE_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_VILE_PAIN [270] {SPR_VILE,16,5,{A_Pain},S_VILE_RUN1,0,0}, // S_VILE_PAIN2 [271] {SPR_VILE,16,7,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE2,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE1 [272] {SPR_VILE,17,7,{A_Scream},S_VILE_DIE3,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE2 [273] {SPR_VILE,18,7,{A_Fall},S_VILE_DIE4,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE3 [274] {SPR_VILE,19,7,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE5,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE4 [275] {SPR_VILE,20,7,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE6,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE5 [276] {SPR_VILE,21,7,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE7,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE6 [277] {SPR_VILE,22,7,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE8,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE7 [278] {SPR_VILE,23,5,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE9,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE8 [279] {SPR_VILE,24,5,{NULL},S_VILE_DIE10,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE9 [280] {SPR_VILE,25,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_VILE_DIE10 [281] {SPR_FIRE,32768,2,{A_StartFire},S_FIRE2,0,0}, // S_FIRE1 [282] {SPR_FIRE,32769,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE3,0,0}, // S_FIRE2 [283] {SPR_FIRE,32768,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE4,0,0}, // S_FIRE3 [284] {SPR_FIRE,32769,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE5,0,0}, // S_FIRE4 [285] {SPR_FIRE,32770,2,{A_FireCrackle},S_FIRE6,0,0}, // S_FIRE5 [286] {SPR_FIRE,32769,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE7,0,0}, // S_FIRE6 [287] {SPR_FIRE,32770,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE8,0,0}, // S_FIRE7 [288] {SPR_FIRE,32769,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE9,0,0}, // S_FIRE8 [289] {SPR_FIRE,32770,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE10,0,0}, // S_FIRE9 [290] {SPR_FIRE,32771,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE11,0,0}, // S_FIRE10 [291] {SPR_FIRE,32770,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE12,0,0}, // S_FIRE11 [292] {SPR_FIRE,32771,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE13,0,0}, // S_FIRE12 [293] {SPR_FIRE,32770,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE14,0,0}, // S_FIRE13 [294] {SPR_FIRE,32771,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE15,0,0}, // S_FIRE14 [295] {SPR_FIRE,32772,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE16,0,0}, // S_FIRE15 [296] {SPR_FIRE,32771,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE17,0,0}, // S_FIRE16 [297] {SPR_FIRE,32772,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE18,0,0}, // S_FIRE17 [298] {SPR_FIRE,32771,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE19,0,0}, // S_FIRE18 [299] {SPR_FIRE,32772,2,{A_FireCrackle},S_FIRE20,0,0}, // S_FIRE19 [300] {SPR_FIRE,32773,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE21,0,0}, // S_FIRE20 [301] {SPR_FIRE,32772,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE22,0,0}, // S_FIRE21 [302] {SPR_FIRE,32773,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE23,0,0}, // S_FIRE22 [303] {SPR_FIRE,32772,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE24,0,0}, // S_FIRE23 [304] {SPR_FIRE,32773,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE25,0,0}, // S_FIRE24 [305] {SPR_FIRE,32774,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE26,0,0}, // S_FIRE25 [306] {SPR_FIRE,32775,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE27,0,0}, // S_FIRE26 [307] {SPR_FIRE,32774,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE28,0,0}, // S_FIRE27 [308] {SPR_FIRE,32775,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE29,0,0}, // S_FIRE28 [309] {SPR_FIRE,32774,2,{A_Fire},S_FIRE30,0,0}, // S_FIRE29 [310] {SPR_FIRE,32775,2,{A_Fire},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_FIRE30 [311] {SPR_PUFF,1,4,{NULL},S_SMOKE2,0,0}, // S_SMOKE1 [312] {SPR_PUFF,2,4,{NULL},S_SMOKE3,0,0}, // S_SMOKE2 [313] {SPR_PUFF,1,4,{NULL},S_SMOKE4,0,0}, // S_SMOKE3 [314] {SPR_PUFF,2,4,{NULL},S_SMOKE5,0,0}, // S_SMOKE4 [315] {SPR_PUFF,3,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SMOKE5 [316] {SPR_FATB,32768,2,{A_Tracer},S_TRACER2,0,0}, // S_TRACER [317] {SPR_FATB,32769,2,{A_Tracer},S_TRACER,0,0}, // S_TRACER2 [318] {SPR_FBXP,32768,8,{NULL},S_TRACEEXP2,0,0}, // S_TRACEEXP1 [319] {SPR_FBXP,32769,6,{NULL},S_TRACEEXP3,0,0}, // S_TRACEEXP2 [320] {SPR_FBXP,32770,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TRACEEXP3 [321] {SPR_SKEL,0,10,{A_Look},S_SKEL_STND2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_STND [322] {SPR_SKEL,1,10,{A_Look},S_SKEL_STND,0,0}, // S_SKEL_STND2 [323] {SPR_SKEL,0,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN1 [324] {SPR_SKEL,0,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN3,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN2 [325] {SPR_SKEL,1,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN4,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN3 [326] {SPR_SKEL,1,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN5,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN4 [327] {SPR_SKEL,2,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN6,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN5 [328] {SPR_SKEL,2,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN7,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN6 [329] {SPR_SKEL,3,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN8,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN7 [330] {SPR_SKEL,3,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN9,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN8 [331] {SPR_SKEL,4,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN10,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN9 [332] {SPR_SKEL,4,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN11,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN10 [333] {SPR_SKEL,5,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN12,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN11 [334] {SPR_SKEL,5,2,{A_Chase},S_SKEL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RUN12 [335] {SPR_SKEL,6,0,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKEL_FIST2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_FIST1 [336] {SPR_SKEL,6,6,{A_SkelWhoosh},S_SKEL_FIST3,0,0}, // S_SKEL_FIST2 [337] {SPR_SKEL,7,6,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKEL_FIST4,0,0}, // S_SKEL_FIST3 [338] {SPR_SKEL,8,6,{A_SkelFist},S_SKEL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKEL_FIST4 [339] {SPR_SKEL,32777,0,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKEL_MISS2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_MISS1 [340] {SPR_SKEL,32777,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKEL_MISS3,0,0}, // S_SKEL_MISS2 [341] {SPR_SKEL,10,10,{A_SkelMissile},S_SKEL_MISS4,0,0}, // S_SKEL_MISS3 [342] {SPR_SKEL,10,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKEL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKEL_MISS4 [343] {SPR_SKEL,11,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_PAIN [344] {SPR_SKEL,11,5,{A_Pain},S_SKEL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKEL_PAIN2 [345] {SPR_SKEL,11,7,{NULL},S_SKEL_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE1 [346] {SPR_SKEL,12,7,{NULL},S_SKEL_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE2 [347] {SPR_SKEL,13,7,{A_Scream},S_SKEL_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE3 [348] {SPR_SKEL,14,7,{A_Fall},S_SKEL_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE4 [349] {SPR_SKEL,15,7,{NULL},S_SKEL_DIE6,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE5 [350] {SPR_SKEL,16,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SKEL_DIE6 [351] {SPR_SKEL,16,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE1 [352] {SPR_SKEL,15,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE2 [353] {SPR_SKEL,14,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE3 [354] {SPR_SKEL,13,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE4 [355] {SPR_SKEL,12,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE5 [356] {SPR_SKEL,11,5,{NULL},S_SKEL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKEL_RAISE6 [357] {SPR_MANF,32768,4,{NULL},S_FATSHOT2,0,0}, // S_FATSHOT1 [358] {SPR_MANF,32769,4,{NULL},S_FATSHOT1,0,0}, // S_FATSHOT2 [359] {SPR_MISL,32769,8,{NULL},S_FATSHOTX2,0,0}, // S_FATSHOTX1 [360] {SPR_MISL,32770,6,{NULL},S_FATSHOTX3,0,0}, // S_FATSHOTX2 [361] {SPR_MISL,32771,4,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_FATSHOTX3 [362] {SPR_FATT,0,15,{A_Look},S_FATT_STND2,0,0}, // S_FATT_STND [363] {SPR_FATT,1,15,{A_Look},S_FATT_STND,0,0}, // S_FATT_STND2 [364] {SPR_FATT,0,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN2,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN1 [365] {SPR_FATT,0,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN3,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN2 [366] {SPR_FATT,1,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN4,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN3 [367] {SPR_FATT,1,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN5,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN4 [368] {SPR_FATT,2,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN6,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN5 [369] {SPR_FATT,2,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN7,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN6 [370] {SPR_FATT,3,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN8,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN7 [371] {SPR_FATT,3,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN9,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN8 [372] {SPR_FATT,4,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN10,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN9 [373] {SPR_FATT,4,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN11,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN10 [374] {SPR_FATT,5,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN12,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN11 [375] {SPR_FATT,5,4,{A_Chase},S_FATT_RUN1,0,0}, // S_FATT_RUN12 [376] {SPR_FATT,6,20,{A_FatRaise},S_FATT_ATK2,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK1 [377] {SPR_FATT,32775,10,{A_FatAttack1},S_FATT_ATK3,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK2 [378] {SPR_FATT,8,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_ATK4,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK3 [379] {SPR_FATT,6,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_ATK5,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK4 [380] {SPR_FATT,32775,10,{A_FatAttack2},S_FATT_ATK6,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK5 [381] {SPR_FATT,8,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_ATK7,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK6 [382] {SPR_FATT,6,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_ATK8,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK7 [383] {SPR_FATT,32775,10,{A_FatAttack3},S_FATT_ATK9,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK8 [384] {SPR_FATT,8,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_ATK10,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK9 [385] {SPR_FATT,6,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_FATT_RUN1,0,0}, // S_FATT_ATK10 [386] {SPR_FATT,9,3,{NULL},S_FATT_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_FATT_PAIN [387] {SPR_FATT,9,3,{A_Pain},S_FATT_RUN1,0,0}, // S_FATT_PAIN2 [388] {SPR_FATT,10,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE2,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE1 [389] {SPR_FATT,11,6,{A_Scream},S_FATT_DIE3,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE2 [390] {SPR_FATT,12,6,{A_Fall},S_FATT_DIE4,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE3 [391] {SPR_FATT,13,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE5,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE4 [392] {SPR_FATT,14,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE6,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE5 [393] {SPR_FATT,15,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE7,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE6 [394] {SPR_FATT,16,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE8,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE7 [395] {SPR_FATT,17,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE9,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE8 [396] {SPR_FATT,18,6,{NULL},S_FATT_DIE10,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE9 [397] {SPR_FATT,19,-1,{A_BossDeath},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_FATT_DIE10 [398] {SPR_FATT,17,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE1 [399] {SPR_FATT,16,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE2 [400] {SPR_FATT,15,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE3 [401] {SPR_FATT,14,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE4 [402] {SPR_FATT,13,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE5 [403] {SPR_FATT,12,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE7,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE6 [404] {SPR_FATT,11,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RAISE8,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE7 [405] {SPR_FATT,10,5,{NULL},S_FATT_RUN1,0,0}, // S_FATT_RAISE8 [406] {SPR_CPOS,0,10,{A_Look},S_CPOS_STND2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_STND [407] {SPR_CPOS,1,10,{A_Look},S_CPOS_STND,0,0}, // S_CPOS_STND2 [408] {SPR_CPOS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN1 [409] {SPR_CPOS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN3,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN2 [410] {SPR_CPOS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN4,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN3 [411] {SPR_CPOS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN5,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN4 [412] {SPR_CPOS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN6,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN5 [413] {SPR_CPOS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN7,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN6 [414] {SPR_CPOS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN8,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN7 [415] {SPR_CPOS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_CPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RUN8 [416] {SPR_CPOS,4,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_CPOS_ATK2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_ATK1 [417] {SPR_CPOS,32773,4,{A_CPosAttack},S_CPOS_ATK3,0,0}, // S_CPOS_ATK2 [418] {SPR_CPOS,32772,4,{A_CPosAttack},S_CPOS_ATK4,0,0}, // S_CPOS_ATK3 [419] {SPR_CPOS,5,1,{A_CPosRefire},S_CPOS_ATK2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_ATK4 [420] {SPR_CPOS,6,3,{NULL},S_CPOS_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_PAIN [421] {SPR_CPOS,6,3,{A_Pain},S_CPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CPOS_PAIN2 [422] {SPR_CPOS,7,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_DIE2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE1 [423] {SPR_CPOS,8,5,{A_Scream},S_CPOS_DIE3,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE2 [424] {SPR_CPOS,9,5,{A_Fall},S_CPOS_DIE4,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE3 [425] {SPR_CPOS,10,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_DIE5,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE4 [426] {SPR_CPOS,11,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_DIE6,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE5 [427] {SPR_CPOS,12,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_DIE7,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE6 [428] {SPR_CPOS,13,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CPOS_DIE7 [429] {SPR_CPOS,14,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE1 [430] {SPR_CPOS,15,5,{A_XScream},S_CPOS_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE2 [431] {SPR_CPOS,16,5,{A_Fall},S_CPOS_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE3 [432] {SPR_CPOS,17,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE4 [433] {SPR_CPOS,18,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE5 [434] {SPR_CPOS,19,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CPOS_XDIE6 [435] {SPR_CPOS,13,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE1 [436] {SPR_CPOS,12,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE2 [437] {SPR_CPOS,11,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE3 [438] {SPR_CPOS,10,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE4 [439] {SPR_CPOS,9,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE5 [440] {SPR_CPOS,8,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RAISE7,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE6 [441] {SPR_CPOS,7,5,{NULL},S_CPOS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CPOS_RAISE7 [442] {SPR_TROO,0,10,{A_Look},S_TROO_STND2,0,0}, // S_TROO_STND [443] {SPR_TROO,1,10,{A_Look},S_TROO_STND,0,0}, // S_TROO_STND2 [444] {SPR_TROO,0,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN2,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN1 [445] {SPR_TROO,0,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN3,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN2 [446] {SPR_TROO,1,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN4,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN3 [447] {SPR_TROO,1,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN5,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN4 [448] {SPR_TROO,2,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN6,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN5 [449] {SPR_TROO,2,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN7,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN6 [450] {SPR_TROO,3,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN8,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN7 [451] {SPR_TROO,3,3,{A_Chase},S_TROO_RUN1,0,0}, // S_TROO_RUN8 [452] {SPR_TROO,4,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_TROO_ATK2,0,0}, // S_TROO_ATK1 [453] {SPR_TROO,5,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_TROO_ATK3,0,0}, // S_TROO_ATK2 [454] {SPR_TROO,6,6,{A_TroopAttack},S_TROO_RUN1,0,0}, // S_TROO_ATK3 [455] {SPR_TROO,7,2,{NULL},S_TROO_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_TROO_PAIN [456] {SPR_TROO,7,2,{A_Pain},S_TROO_RUN1,0,0}, // S_TROO_PAIN2 [457] {SPR_TROO,8,8,{NULL},S_TROO_DIE2,0,0}, // S_TROO_DIE1 [458] {SPR_TROO,9,8,{A_Scream},S_TROO_DIE3,0,0}, // S_TROO_DIE2 [459] {SPR_TROO,10,6,{NULL},S_TROO_DIE4,0,0}, // S_TROO_DIE3 [460] {SPR_TROO,11,6,{A_Fall},S_TROO_DIE5,0,0}, // S_TROO_DIE4 [461] {SPR_TROO,12,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TROO_DIE5 [462] {SPR_TROO,13,5,{NULL},S_TROO_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE1 [463] {SPR_TROO,14,5,{A_XScream},S_TROO_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE2 [464] {SPR_TROO,15,5,{NULL},S_TROO_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE3 [465] {SPR_TROO,16,5,{A_Fall},S_TROO_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE4 [466] {SPR_TROO,17,5,{NULL},S_TROO_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE5 [467] {SPR_TROO,18,5,{NULL},S_TROO_XDIE7,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE6 [468] {SPR_TROO,19,5,{NULL},S_TROO_XDIE8,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE7 [469] {SPR_TROO,20,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TROO_XDIE8 [470] {SPR_TROO,12,8,{NULL},S_TROO_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_TROO_RAISE1 [471] {SPR_TROO,11,8,{NULL},S_TROO_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_TROO_RAISE2 [472] {SPR_TROO,10,6,{NULL},S_TROO_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_TROO_RAISE3 [473] {SPR_TROO,9,6,{NULL},S_TROO_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_TROO_RAISE4 [474] {SPR_TROO,8,6,{NULL},S_TROO_RUN1,0,0}, // S_TROO_RAISE5 [475] {SPR_SARG,0,10,{A_Look},S_SARG_STND2,0,0}, // S_SARG_STND [476] {SPR_SARG,1,10,{A_Look},S_SARG_STND,0,0}, // S_SARG_STND2 [477] {SPR_SARG,0,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN1 [478] {SPR_SARG,0,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN3,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN2 [479] {SPR_SARG,1,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN4,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN3 [480] {SPR_SARG,1,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN5,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN4 [481] {SPR_SARG,2,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN6,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN5 [482] {SPR_SARG,2,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN7,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN6 [483] {SPR_SARG,3,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN8,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN7 [484] {SPR_SARG,3,2,{A_Chase},S_SARG_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SARG_RUN8 [485] {SPR_SARG,4,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_SARG_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SARG_ATK1 [486] {SPR_SARG,5,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_SARG_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SARG_ATK2 [487] {SPR_SARG,6,8,{A_SargAttack},S_SARG_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SARG_ATK3 [488] {SPR_SARG,7,2,{NULL},S_SARG_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SARG_PAIN [489] {SPR_SARG,7,2,{A_Pain},S_SARG_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SARG_PAIN2 [490] {SPR_SARG,8,8,{NULL},S_SARG_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE1 [491] {SPR_SARG,9,8,{A_Scream},S_SARG_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE2 [492] {SPR_SARG,10,4,{NULL},S_SARG_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE3 [493] {SPR_SARG,11,4,{A_Fall},S_SARG_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE4 [494] {SPR_SARG,12,4,{NULL},S_SARG_DIE6,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE5 [495] {SPR_SARG,13,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SARG_DIE6 [496] {SPR_SARG,13,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE1 [497] {SPR_SARG,12,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE2 [498] {SPR_SARG,11,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE3 [499] {SPR_SARG,10,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE4 [500] {SPR_SARG,9,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE5 [501] {SPR_SARG,8,5,{NULL},S_SARG_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SARG_RAISE6 [502] {SPR_HEAD,0,10,{A_Look},S_HEAD_STND,0,0}, // S_HEAD_STND [503] {SPR_HEAD,0,3,{A_Chase},S_HEAD_RUN1,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RUN1 [504] {SPR_HEAD,1,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_HEAD_ATK2,0,0}, // S_HEAD_ATK1 [505] {SPR_HEAD,2,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_HEAD_ATK3,0,0}, // S_HEAD_ATK2 [506] {SPR_HEAD,32771,5,{A_HeadAttack},S_HEAD_RUN1,0,0}, // S_HEAD_ATK3 [507] {SPR_HEAD,4,3,{NULL},S_HEAD_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_HEAD_PAIN [508] {SPR_HEAD,4,3,{A_Pain},S_HEAD_PAIN3,0,0}, // S_HEAD_PAIN2 [509] {SPR_HEAD,5,6,{NULL},S_HEAD_RUN1,0,0}, // S_HEAD_PAIN3 [510] {SPR_HEAD,6,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_DIE2,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE1 [511] {SPR_HEAD,7,8,{A_Scream},S_HEAD_DIE3,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE2 [512] {SPR_HEAD,8,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_DIE4,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE3 [513] {SPR_HEAD,9,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_DIE5,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE4 [514] {SPR_HEAD,10,8,{A_Fall},S_HEAD_DIE6,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE5 [515] {SPR_HEAD,11,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HEAD_DIE6 [516] {SPR_HEAD,11,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE1 [517] {SPR_HEAD,10,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE2 [518] {SPR_HEAD,9,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE3 [519] {SPR_HEAD,8,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE4 [520] {SPR_HEAD,7,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE5 [521] {SPR_HEAD,6,8,{NULL},S_HEAD_RUN1,0,0}, // S_HEAD_RAISE6 [522] {SPR_BAL7,32768,4,{NULL},S_BRBALL2,0,0}, // S_BRBALL1 [523] {SPR_BAL7,32769,4,{NULL},S_BRBALL1,0,0}, // S_BRBALL2 [524] {SPR_BAL7,32770,6,{NULL},S_BRBALLX2,0,0}, // S_BRBALLX1 [525] {SPR_BAL7,32771,6,{NULL},S_BRBALLX3,0,0}, // S_BRBALLX2 [526] {SPR_BAL7,32772,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BRBALLX3 [527] {SPR_BOSS,0,10,{A_Look},S_BOSS_STND2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_STND [528] {SPR_BOSS,1,10,{A_Look},S_BOSS_STND,0,0}, // S_BOSS_STND2 [529] {SPR_BOSS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN1 [530] {SPR_BOSS,0,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN3,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN2 [531] {SPR_BOSS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN4,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN3 [532] {SPR_BOSS,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN5,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN4 [533] {SPR_BOSS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN6,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN5 [534] {SPR_BOSS,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN7,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN6 [535] {SPR_BOSS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN8,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN7 [536] {SPR_BOSS,3,3,{A_Chase},S_BOSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RUN8 [537] {SPR_BOSS,4,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_BOSS_ATK2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_ATK1 [538] {SPR_BOSS,5,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_BOSS_ATK3,0,0}, // S_BOSS_ATK2 [539] {SPR_BOSS,6,8,{A_BruisAttack},S_BOSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOSS_ATK3 [540] {SPR_BOSS,7,2,{NULL},S_BOSS_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_PAIN [541] {SPR_BOSS,7,2,{A_Pain},S_BOSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOSS_PAIN2 [542] {SPR_BOSS,8,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_DIE2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE1 [543] {SPR_BOSS,9,8,{A_Scream},S_BOSS_DIE3,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE2 [544] {SPR_BOSS,10,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_DIE4,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE3 [545] {SPR_BOSS,11,8,{A_Fall},S_BOSS_DIE5,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE4 [546] {SPR_BOSS,12,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_DIE6,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE5 [547] {SPR_BOSS,13,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_DIE7,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE6 [548] {SPR_BOSS,14,-1,{A_BossDeath},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BOSS_DIE7 [549] {SPR_BOSS,14,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE1 [550] {SPR_BOSS,13,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE2 [551] {SPR_BOSS,12,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE3 [552] {SPR_BOSS,11,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE4 [553] {SPR_BOSS,10,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE5 [554] {SPR_BOSS,9,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RAISE7,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE6 [555] {SPR_BOSS,8,8,{NULL},S_BOSS_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOSS_RAISE7 [556] {SPR_BOS2,0,10,{A_Look},S_BOS2_STND2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_STND [557] {SPR_BOS2,1,10,{A_Look},S_BOS2_STND,0,0}, // S_BOS2_STND2 [558] {SPR_BOS2,0,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN1 [559] {SPR_BOS2,0,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN3,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN2 [560] {SPR_BOS2,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN4,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN3 [561] {SPR_BOS2,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN5,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN4 [562] {SPR_BOS2,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN6,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN5 [563] {SPR_BOS2,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN7,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN6 [564] {SPR_BOS2,3,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN8,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN7 [565] {SPR_BOS2,3,3,{A_Chase},S_BOS2_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RUN8 [566] {SPR_BOS2,4,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_BOS2_ATK2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_ATK1 [567] {SPR_BOS2,5,8,{A_FaceTarget},S_BOS2_ATK3,0,0}, // S_BOS2_ATK2 [568] {SPR_BOS2,6,8,{A_BruisAttack},S_BOS2_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOS2_ATK3 [569] {SPR_BOS2,7,2,{NULL},S_BOS2_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_PAIN [570] {SPR_BOS2,7,2,{A_Pain},S_BOS2_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOS2_PAIN2 [571] {SPR_BOS2,8,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_DIE2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE1 [572] {SPR_BOS2,9,8,{A_Scream},S_BOS2_DIE3,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE2 [573] {SPR_BOS2,10,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_DIE4,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE3 [574] {SPR_BOS2,11,8,{A_Fall},S_BOS2_DIE5,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE4 [575] {SPR_BOS2,12,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_DIE6,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE5 [576] {SPR_BOS2,13,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_DIE7,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE6 [577] {SPR_BOS2,14,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BOS2_DIE7 [578] {SPR_BOS2,14,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE1 [579] {SPR_BOS2,13,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE2 [580] {SPR_BOS2,12,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE3 [581] {SPR_BOS2,11,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE4 [582] {SPR_BOS2,10,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE5 [583] {SPR_BOS2,9,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RAISE7,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE6 [584] {SPR_BOS2,8,8,{NULL},S_BOS2_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BOS2_RAISE7 [585] {SPR_SKUL,32768,10,{A_Look},S_SKULL_STND2,0,0}, // S_SKULL_STND [586] {SPR_SKUL,32769,10,{A_Look},S_SKULL_STND,0,0}, // S_SKULL_STND2 [587] {SPR_SKUL,32768,6,{A_Chase},S_SKULL_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SKULL_RUN1 [588] {SPR_SKUL,32769,6,{A_Chase},S_SKULL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKULL_RUN2 [589] {SPR_SKUL,32770,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SKULL_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SKULL_ATK1 [590] {SPR_SKUL,32771,4,{A_SkullAttack},S_SKULL_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SKULL_ATK2 [591] {SPR_SKUL,32770,4,{NULL},S_SKULL_ATK4,0,0}, // S_SKULL_ATK3 [592] {SPR_SKUL,32771,4,{NULL},S_SKULL_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SKULL_ATK4 [593] {SPR_SKUL,32772,3,{NULL},S_SKULL_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SKULL_PAIN [594] {SPR_SKUL,32772,3,{A_Pain},S_SKULL_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SKULL_PAIN2 [595] {SPR_SKUL,32773,6,{NULL},S_SKULL_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE1 [596] {SPR_SKUL,32774,6,{A_Scream},S_SKULL_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE2 [597] {SPR_SKUL,32775,6,{NULL},S_SKULL_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE3 [598] {SPR_SKUL,32776,6,{A_Fall},S_SKULL_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE4 [599] {SPR_SKUL,9,6,{NULL},S_SKULL_DIE6,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE5 [600] {SPR_SKUL,10,6,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SKULL_DIE6 [601] {SPR_SPID,0,10,{A_Look},S_SPID_STND2,0,0}, // S_SPID_STND [602] {SPR_SPID,1,10,{A_Look},S_SPID_STND,0,0}, // S_SPID_STND2 [603] {SPR_SPID,0,3,{A_Metal},S_SPID_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN1 [604] {SPR_SPID,0,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN3,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN2 [605] {SPR_SPID,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN4,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN3 [606] {SPR_SPID,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN5,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN4 [607] {SPR_SPID,2,3,{A_Metal},S_SPID_RUN6,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN5 [608] {SPR_SPID,2,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN7,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN6 [609] {SPR_SPID,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN8,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN7 [610] {SPR_SPID,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN9,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN8 [611] {SPR_SPID,4,3,{A_Metal},S_SPID_RUN10,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN9 [612] {SPR_SPID,4,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN11,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN10 [613] {SPR_SPID,5,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN12,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN11 [614] {SPR_SPID,5,3,{A_Chase},S_SPID_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPID_RUN12 [615] {SPR_SPID,32768,20,{A_FaceTarget},S_SPID_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SPID_ATK1 [616] {SPR_SPID,32774,4,{A_SPosAttack},S_SPID_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SPID_ATK2 [617] {SPR_SPID,32775,4,{A_SPosAttack},S_SPID_ATK4,0,0}, // S_SPID_ATK3 [618] {SPR_SPID,32775,1,{A_SpidRefire},S_SPID_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SPID_ATK4 [619] {SPR_SPID,8,3,{NULL},S_SPID_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SPID_PAIN [620] {SPR_SPID,8,3,{A_Pain},S_SPID_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SPID_PAIN2 [621] {SPR_SPID,9,20,{A_Scream},S_SPID_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE1 [622] {SPR_SPID,10,10,{A_Fall},S_SPID_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE2 [623] {SPR_SPID,11,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE3 [624] {SPR_SPID,12,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE4 [625] {SPR_SPID,13,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE6,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE5 [626] {SPR_SPID,14,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE7,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE6 [627] {SPR_SPID,15,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE8,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE7 [628] {SPR_SPID,16,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE9,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE8 [629] {SPR_SPID,17,10,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE10,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE9 [630] {SPR_SPID,18,30,{NULL},S_SPID_DIE11,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE10 [631] {SPR_SPID,18,-1,{A_BossDeath},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SPID_DIE11 [632] {SPR_BSPI,0,10,{A_Look},S_BSPI_STND2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_STND [633] {SPR_BSPI,1,10,{A_Look},S_BSPI_STND,0,0}, // S_BSPI_STND2 [634] {SPR_BSPI,0,20,{NULL},S_BSPI_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BSPI_SIGHT [635] {SPR_BSPI,0,3,{A_BabyMetal},S_BSPI_RUN2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN1 [636] {SPR_BSPI,0,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN3,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN2 [637] {SPR_BSPI,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN4,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN3 [638] {SPR_BSPI,1,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN5,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN4 [639] {SPR_BSPI,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN6,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN5 [640] {SPR_BSPI,2,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN7,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN6 [641] {SPR_BSPI,3,3,{A_BabyMetal},S_BSPI_RUN8,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN7 [642] {SPR_BSPI,3,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN9,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN8 [643] {SPR_BSPI,4,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN10,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN9 [644] {SPR_BSPI,4,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN11,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN10 [645] {SPR_BSPI,5,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN12,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN11 [646] {SPR_BSPI,5,3,{A_Chase},S_BSPI_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RUN12 [647] {SPR_BSPI,32768,20,{A_FaceTarget},S_BSPI_ATK2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_ATK1 [648] {SPR_BSPI,32774,4,{A_BspiAttack},S_BSPI_ATK3,0,0}, // S_BSPI_ATK2 [649] {SPR_BSPI,32775,4,{NULL},S_BSPI_ATK4,0,0}, // S_BSPI_ATK3 [650] {SPR_BSPI,32775,1,{A_SpidRefire},S_BSPI_ATK2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_ATK4 [651] {SPR_BSPI,8,3,{NULL},S_BSPI_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_PAIN [652] {SPR_BSPI,8,3,{A_Pain},S_BSPI_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BSPI_PAIN2 [653] {SPR_BSPI,9,20,{A_Scream},S_BSPI_DIE2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE1 [654] {SPR_BSPI,10,7,{A_Fall},S_BSPI_DIE3,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE2 [655] {SPR_BSPI,11,7,{NULL},S_BSPI_DIE4,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE3 [656] {SPR_BSPI,12,7,{NULL},S_BSPI_DIE5,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE4 [657] {SPR_BSPI,13,7,{NULL},S_BSPI_DIE6,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE5 [658] {SPR_BSPI,14,7,{NULL},S_BSPI_DIE7,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE6 [659] {SPR_BSPI,15,-1,{A_BossDeath},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BSPI_DIE7 [660] {SPR_BSPI,15,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE1 [661] {SPR_BSPI,14,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE2 [662] {SPR_BSPI,13,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE3 [663] {SPR_BSPI,12,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE4 [664] {SPR_BSPI,11,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE5 [665] {SPR_BSPI,10,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RAISE7,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE6 [666] {SPR_BSPI,9,5,{NULL},S_BSPI_RUN1,0,0}, // S_BSPI_RAISE7 [667] {SPR_APLS,32768,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLAZ2,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLAZ [668] {SPR_APLS,32769,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLAZ,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLAZ2 [669] {SPR_APBX,32768,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLEX2,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLEX [670] {SPR_APBX,32769,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLEX3,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLEX2 [671] {SPR_APBX,32770,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLEX4,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLEX3 [672] {SPR_APBX,32771,5,{NULL},S_ARACH_PLEX5,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLEX4 [673] {SPR_APBX,32772,5,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_ARACH_PLEX5 [674] {SPR_CYBR,0,10,{A_Look},S_CYBER_STND2,0,0}, // S_CYBER_STND [675] {SPR_CYBR,1,10,{A_Look},S_CYBER_STND,0,0}, // S_CYBER_STND2 [676] {SPR_CYBR,0,3,{A_Hoof},S_CYBER_RUN2,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN1 [677] {SPR_CYBR,0,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN3,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN2 [678] {SPR_CYBR,1,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN4,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN3 [679] {SPR_CYBR,1,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN5,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN4 [680] {SPR_CYBR,2,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN6,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN5 [681] {SPR_CYBR,2,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN7,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN6 [682] {SPR_CYBR,3,3,{A_Metal},S_CYBER_RUN8,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN7 [683] {SPR_CYBR,3,3,{A_Chase},S_CYBER_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CYBER_RUN8 [684] {SPR_CYBR,4,6,{A_FaceTarget},S_CYBER_ATK2,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK1 [685] {SPR_CYBR,5,12,{A_CyberAttack},S_CYBER_ATK3,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK2 [686] {SPR_CYBR,4,12,{A_FaceTarget},S_CYBER_ATK4,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK3 [687] {SPR_CYBR,5,12,{A_CyberAttack},S_CYBER_ATK5,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK4 [688] {SPR_CYBR,4,12,{A_FaceTarget},S_CYBER_ATK6,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK5 [689] {SPR_CYBR,5,12,{A_CyberAttack},S_CYBER_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CYBER_ATK6 [690] {SPR_CYBR,6,10,{A_Pain},S_CYBER_RUN1,0,0}, // S_CYBER_PAIN [691] {SPR_CYBR,7,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE2,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE1 [692] {SPR_CYBR,8,10,{A_Scream},S_CYBER_DIE3,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE2 [693] {SPR_CYBR,9,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE4,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE3 [694] {SPR_CYBR,10,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE5,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE4 [695] {SPR_CYBR,11,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE6,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE5 [696] {SPR_CYBR,12,10,{A_Fall},S_CYBER_DIE7,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE6 [697] {SPR_CYBR,13,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE8,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE7 [698] {SPR_CYBR,14,10,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE9,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE8 [699] {SPR_CYBR,15,30,{NULL},S_CYBER_DIE10,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE9 [700] {SPR_CYBR,15,-1,{A_BossDeath},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CYBER_DIE10 [701] {SPR_PAIN,0,10,{A_Look},S_PAIN_STND,0,0}, // S_PAIN_STND [702] {SPR_PAIN,0,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN2,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN1 [703] {SPR_PAIN,0,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN3,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN2 [704] {SPR_PAIN,1,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN4,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN3 [705] {SPR_PAIN,1,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN5,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN4 [706] {SPR_PAIN,2,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN6,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN5 [707] {SPR_PAIN,2,3,{A_Chase},S_PAIN_RUN1,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RUN6 [708] {SPR_PAIN,3,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_PAIN_ATK2,0,0}, // S_PAIN_ATK1 [709] {SPR_PAIN,4,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_PAIN_ATK3,0,0}, // S_PAIN_ATK2 [710] {SPR_PAIN,32773,5,{A_FaceTarget},S_PAIN_ATK4,0,0}, // S_PAIN_ATK3 [711] {SPR_PAIN,32773,0,{A_PainAttack},S_PAIN_RUN1,0,0}, // S_PAIN_ATK4 [712] {SPR_PAIN,6,6,{NULL},S_PAIN_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_PAIN_PAIN [713] {SPR_PAIN,6,6,{A_Pain},S_PAIN_RUN1,0,0}, // S_PAIN_PAIN2 [714] {SPR_PAIN,32775,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_DIE2,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE1 [715] {SPR_PAIN,32776,8,{A_Scream},S_PAIN_DIE3,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE2 [716] {SPR_PAIN,32777,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_DIE4,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE3 [717] {SPR_PAIN,32778,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_DIE5,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE4 [718] {SPR_PAIN,32779,8,{A_PainDie},S_PAIN_DIE6,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE5 [719] {SPR_PAIN,32780,8,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PAIN_DIE6 [720] {SPR_PAIN,12,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE1 [721] {SPR_PAIN,11,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE2 [722] {SPR_PAIN,10,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE3 [723] {SPR_PAIN,9,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE4 [724] {SPR_PAIN,8,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RAISE6,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE5 [725] {SPR_PAIN,7,8,{NULL},S_PAIN_RUN1,0,0}, // S_PAIN_RAISE6 [726] {SPR_SSWV,0,10,{A_Look},S_SSWV_STND2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_STND [727] {SPR_SSWV,1,10,{A_Look},S_SSWV_STND,0,0}, // S_SSWV_STND2 [728] {SPR_SSWV,0,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN1 [729] {SPR_SSWV,0,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN3,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN2 [730] {SPR_SSWV,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN4,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN3 [731] {SPR_SSWV,1,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN5,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN4 [732] {SPR_SSWV,2,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN6,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN5 [733] {SPR_SSWV,2,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN7,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN6 [734] {SPR_SSWV,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN8,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN7 [735] {SPR_SSWV,3,3,{A_Chase},S_SSWV_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RUN8 [736] {SPR_SSWV,4,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SSWV_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK1 [737] {SPR_SSWV,5,10,{A_FaceTarget},S_SSWV_ATK3,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK2 [738] {SPR_SSWV,32774,4,{A_CPosAttack},S_SSWV_ATK4,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK3 [739] {SPR_SSWV,5,6,{A_FaceTarget},S_SSWV_ATK5,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK4 [740] {SPR_SSWV,32774,4,{A_CPosAttack},S_SSWV_ATK6,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK5 [741] {SPR_SSWV,5,1,{A_CPosRefire},S_SSWV_ATK2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_ATK6 [742] {SPR_SSWV,7,3,{NULL},S_SSWV_PAIN2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_PAIN [743] {SPR_SSWV,7,3,{A_Pain},S_SSWV_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SSWV_PAIN2 [744] {SPR_SSWV,8,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_DIE2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_DIE1 [745] {SPR_SSWV,9,5,{A_Scream},S_SSWV_DIE3,0,0}, // S_SSWV_DIE2 [746] {SPR_SSWV,10,5,{A_Fall},S_SSWV_DIE4,0,0}, // S_SSWV_DIE3 [747] {SPR_SSWV,11,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_DIE5,0,0}, // S_SSWV_DIE4 [748] {SPR_SSWV,12,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SSWV_DIE5 [749] {SPR_SSWV,13,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE1 [750] {SPR_SSWV,14,5,{A_XScream},S_SSWV_XDIE3,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE2 [751] {SPR_SSWV,15,5,{A_Fall},S_SSWV_XDIE4,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE3 [752] {SPR_SSWV,16,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE5,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE4 [753] {SPR_SSWV,17,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE6,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE5 [754] {SPR_SSWV,18,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE7,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE6 [755] {SPR_SSWV,19,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE8,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE7 [756] {SPR_SSWV,20,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_XDIE9,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE8 [757] {SPR_SSWV,21,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SSWV_XDIE9 [758] {SPR_SSWV,12,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_RAISE2,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RAISE1 [759] {SPR_SSWV,11,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_RAISE3,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RAISE2 [760] {SPR_SSWV,10,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_RAISE4,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RAISE3 [761] {SPR_SSWV,9,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_RAISE5,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RAISE4 [762] {SPR_SSWV,8,5,{NULL},S_SSWV_RUN1,0,0}, // S_SSWV_RAISE5 [763] {SPR_KEEN,0,-1,{NULL},S_KEENSTND,0,0}, // S_KEENSTND [764] {SPR_KEEN,0,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN2,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN [765] {SPR_KEEN,1,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN3,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN2 [766] {SPR_KEEN,2,6,{A_Scream},S_COMMKEEN4,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN3 [767] {SPR_KEEN,3,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN5,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN4 [768] {SPR_KEEN,4,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN6,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN5 [769] {SPR_KEEN,5,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN7,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN6 [770] {SPR_KEEN,6,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN8,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN7 [771] {SPR_KEEN,7,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN9,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN8 [772] {SPR_KEEN,8,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN10,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN9 [773] {SPR_KEEN,9,6,{NULL},S_COMMKEEN11,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN10 [774] {SPR_KEEN,10,6,{A_KeenDie},S_COMMKEEN12,0,0},// S_COMMKEEN11 [775] {SPR_KEEN,11,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_COMMKEEN12 [776] {SPR_KEEN,12,4,{NULL},S_KEENPAIN2,0,0}, // S_KEENPAIN [777] {SPR_KEEN,12,8,{A_Pain},S_KEENSTND,0,0}, // S_KEENPAIN2 [778] {SPR_BBRN,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BRAIN [779] {SPR_BBRN,1,36,{A_BrainPain},S_BRAIN,0,0}, // S_BRAIN_PAIN [780] {SPR_BBRN,0,100,{A_BrainScream},S_BRAIN_DIE2,0,0}, // S_BRAIN_DIE1 [781] {SPR_BBRN,0,10,{NULL},S_BRAIN_DIE3,0,0}, // S_BRAIN_DIE2 [782] {SPR_BBRN,0,10,{NULL},S_BRAIN_DIE4,0,0}, // S_BRAIN_DIE3 [783] {SPR_BBRN,0,-1,{A_BrainDie},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BRAIN_DIE4 [784] {SPR_SSWV,0,10,{A_Look},S_BRAINEYE,0,0}, // S_BRAINEYE [785] {SPR_SSWV,0,181,{A_BrainAwake},S_BRAINEYE1,0,0}, // S_BRAINEYESEE [786] {SPR_SSWV,0,150,{A_BrainSpit},S_BRAINEYE1,0,0}, // S_BRAINEYE1 [787] {SPR_BOSF,32768,3,{A_SpawnSound},S_SPAWN2,0,0}, // S_SPAWN1 [788] {SPR_BOSF,32769,3,{A_SpawnFly},S_SPAWN3,0,0}, // S_SPAWN2 [789] {SPR_BOSF,32770,3,{A_SpawnFly},S_SPAWN4,0,0}, // S_SPAWN3 [790] {SPR_BOSF,32771,3,{A_SpawnFly},S_SPAWN1,0,0}, // S_SPAWN4 [791] {SPR_FIRE,32768,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE2,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE1 [792] {SPR_FIRE,32769,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE3,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE2 [793] {SPR_FIRE,32770,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE4,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE3 [794] {SPR_FIRE,32771,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE5,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE4 [795] {SPR_FIRE,32772,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE6,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE5 [796] {SPR_FIRE,32773,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE7,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE6 [797] {SPR_FIRE,32774,4,{A_Fire},S_SPAWNFIRE8,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE7 [798] {SPR_FIRE,32775,4,{A_Fire},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SPAWNFIRE8 [799] {SPR_MISL,32769,10,{NULL},S_BRAINEXPLODE2,0,0}, // S_BRAINEXPLODE1 [800] {SPR_MISL,32770,10,{NULL},S_BRAINEXPLODE3,0,0}, // S_BRAINEXPLODE2 [801] {SPR_MISL,32771,10,{A_BrainExplode},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BRAINEXPLODE3 [802] {SPR_ARM1,0,6,{NULL},S_ARM1A,0,0}, // S_ARM1 [803] {SPR_ARM1,32769,7,{NULL},S_ARM1,0,0}, // S_ARM1A [804] {SPR_ARM2,0,6,{NULL},S_ARM2A,0,0}, // S_ARM2 [805] {SPR_ARM2,32769,6,{NULL},S_ARM2,0,0}, // S_ARM2A [806] {SPR_BAR1,0,6,{NULL},S_BAR2,0,0}, // S_BAR1 [807] {SPR_BAR1,1,6,{NULL},S_BAR1,0,0}, // S_BAR2 [808] {SPR_BEXP,32768,5,{NULL},S_BEXP2,0,0}, // S_BEXP [809] {SPR_BEXP,32769,5,{A_Scream},S_BEXP3,0,0}, // S_BEXP2 [810] {SPR_BEXP,32770,5,{NULL},S_BEXP4,0,0}, // S_BEXP3 [811] {SPR_BEXP,32771,10,{A_Explode},S_BEXP5,0,0}, // S_BEXP4 [812] {SPR_BEXP,32772,10,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BEXP5 [813] {SPR_FCAN,32768,4,{NULL},S_BBAR2,0,0}, // S_BBAR1 [814] {SPR_FCAN,32769,4,{NULL},S_BBAR3,0,0}, // S_BBAR2 [815] {SPR_FCAN,32770,4,{NULL},S_BBAR1,0,0}, // S_BBAR3 [816] {SPR_BON1,0,6,{NULL},S_BON1A,0,0}, // S_BON1 [817] {SPR_BON1,1,6,{NULL},S_BON1B,0,0}, // S_BON1A [818] {SPR_BON1,2,6,{NULL},S_BON1C,0,0}, // S_BON1B [819] {SPR_BON1,3,6,{NULL},S_BON1D,0,0}, // S_BON1C [820] {SPR_BON1,2,6,{NULL},S_BON1E,0,0}, // S_BON1D [821] {SPR_BON1,1,6,{NULL},S_BON1,0,0}, // S_BON1E [822] {SPR_BON2,0,6,{NULL},S_BON2A,0,0}, // S_BON2 [823] {SPR_BON2,1,6,{NULL},S_BON2B,0,0}, // S_BON2A [824] {SPR_BON2,2,6,{NULL},S_BON2C,0,0}, // S_BON2B [825] {SPR_BON2,3,6,{NULL},S_BON2D,0,0}, // S_BON2C [826] {SPR_BON2,2,6,{NULL},S_BON2E,0,0}, // S_BON2D [827] {SPR_BON2,1,6,{NULL},S_BON2,0,0}, // S_BON2E [828] {SPR_BKEY,0,10,{NULL},S_BKEY2,0,0}, // S_BKEY [829] {SPR_BKEY,32769,10,{NULL},S_BKEY,0,0}, // S_BKEY2 [830] {SPR_RKEY,0,10,{NULL},S_RKEY2,0,0}, // S_RKEY [831] {SPR_RKEY,32769,10,{NULL},S_RKEY,0,0}, // S_RKEY2 [832] {SPR_YKEY,0,10,{NULL},S_YKEY2,0,0}, // S_YKEY [833] {SPR_YKEY,32769,10,{NULL},S_YKEY,0,0}, // S_YKEY2 [834] {SPR_BSKU,0,10,{NULL},S_BSKULL2,0,0}, // S_BSKULL [835] {SPR_BSKU,32769,10,{NULL},S_BSKULL,0,0}, // S_BSKULL2 [836] {SPR_RSKU,0,10,{NULL},S_RSKULL2,0,0}, // S_RSKULL [837] {SPR_RSKU,32769,10,{NULL},S_RSKULL,0,0}, // S_RSKULL2 [838] {SPR_YSKU,0,10,{NULL},S_YSKULL2,0,0}, // S_YSKULL [839] {SPR_YSKU,32769,10,{NULL},S_YSKULL,0,0}, // S_YSKULL2 [840] {SPR_STIM,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_STIM [841] {SPR_MEDI,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MEDI [842] {SPR_SOUL,32768,6,{NULL},S_SOUL2,0,0}, // S_SOUL [843] {SPR_SOUL,32769,6,{NULL},S_SOUL3,0,0}, // S_SOUL2 [844] {SPR_SOUL,32770,6,{NULL},S_SOUL4,0,0}, // S_SOUL3 [845] {SPR_SOUL,32771,6,{NULL},S_SOUL5,0,0}, // S_SOUL4 [846] {SPR_SOUL,32770,6,{NULL},S_SOUL6,0,0}, // S_SOUL5 [847] {SPR_SOUL,32769,6,{NULL},S_SOUL,0,0}, // S_SOUL6 [848] {SPR_PINV,32768,6,{NULL},S_PINV2,0,0}, // S_PINV [849] {SPR_PINV,32769,6,{NULL},S_PINV3,0,0}, // S_PINV2 [850] {SPR_PINV,32770,6,{NULL},S_PINV4,0,0}, // S_PINV3 [851] {SPR_PINV,32771,6,{NULL},S_PINV,0,0}, // S_PINV4 [852] {SPR_PSTR,32768,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PSTR [853] {SPR_PINS,32768,6,{NULL},S_PINS2,0,0}, // S_PINS [854] {SPR_PINS,32769,6,{NULL},S_PINS3,0,0}, // S_PINS2 [855] {SPR_PINS,32770,6,{NULL},S_PINS4,0,0}, // S_PINS3 [856] {SPR_PINS,32771,6,{NULL},S_PINS,0,0}, // S_PINS4 [857] {SPR_MEGA,32768,6,{NULL},S_MEGA2,0,0}, // S_MEGA [858] {SPR_MEGA,32769,6,{NULL},S_MEGA3,0,0}, // S_MEGA2 [859] {SPR_MEGA,32770,6,{NULL},S_MEGA4,0,0}, // S_MEGA3 [860] {SPR_MEGA,32771,6,{NULL},S_MEGA,0,0}, // S_MEGA4 [861] {SPR_SUIT,32768,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SUIT [862] {SPR_PMAP,32768,6,{NULL},S_PMAP2,0,0}, // S_PMAP [863] {SPR_PMAP,32769,6,{NULL},S_PMAP3,0,0}, // S_PMAP2 [864] {SPR_PMAP,32770,6,{NULL},S_PMAP4,0,0}, // S_PMAP3 [865] {SPR_PMAP,32771,6,{NULL},S_PMAP5,0,0}, // S_PMAP4 [866] {SPR_PMAP,32770,6,{NULL},S_PMAP6,0,0}, // S_PMAP5 [867] {SPR_PMAP,32769,6,{NULL},S_PMAP,0,0}, // S_PMAP6 [868] {SPR_PVIS,32768,6,{NULL},S_PVIS2,0,0}, // S_PVIS [869] {SPR_PVIS,1,6,{NULL},S_PVIS,0,0}, // S_PVIS2 [870] {SPR_CLIP,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CLIP [871] {SPR_AMMO,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_AMMO [872] {SPR_ROCK,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_ROCK [873] {SPR_BROK,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BROK [874] {SPR_CELL,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CELL [875] {SPR_CELP,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CELP [876] {SPR_SHEL,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SHEL [877] {SPR_SBOX,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SBOX [878] {SPR_BPAK,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BPAK [879] {SPR_BFUG,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BFUG [880] {SPR_MGUN,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MGUN [881] {SPR_CSAW,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CSAW [882] {SPR_LAUN,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_LAUN [883] {SPR_PLAS,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_PLAS [884] {SPR_SHOT,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SHOT [885] {SPR_SGN2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SHOT2 [886] {SPR_COLU,32768,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_COLU [887] {SPR_SMT2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_STALAG [888] {SPR_GOR1,0,10,{NULL},S_BLOODYTWITCH2,0,0}, // S_BLOODYTWITCH [889] {SPR_GOR1,1,15,{NULL},S_BLOODYTWITCH3,0,0}, // S_BLOODYTWITCH2 [890] {SPR_GOR1,2,8,{NULL},S_BLOODYTWITCH4,0,0}, // S_BLOODYTWITCH3 [891] {SPR_GOR1,1,6,{NULL},S_BLOODYTWITCH,0,0}, // S_BLOODYTWITCH4 [892] {SPR_PLAY,13,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_DEADTORSO [893] {SPR_PLAY,18,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_DEADBOTTOM [894] {SPR_POL2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HEADSONSTICK [895] {SPR_POL5,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_GIBS [896] {SPR_POL4,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HEADONASTICK [897] {SPR_POL3,32768,6,{NULL},S_HEADCANDLES2,0,0}, // S_HEADCANDLES [898] {SPR_POL3,32769,6,{NULL},S_HEADCANDLES,0,0}, // S_HEADCANDLES2 [899] {SPR_POL1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_DEADSTICK [900] {SPR_POL6,0,6,{NULL},S_LIVESTICK2,0,0}, // S_LIVESTICK [901] {SPR_POL6,1,8,{NULL},S_LIVESTICK,0,0}, // S_LIVESTICK2 [902] {SPR_GOR2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MEAT2 [903] {SPR_GOR3,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MEAT3 [904] {SPR_GOR4,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MEAT4 [905] {SPR_GOR5,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_MEAT5 [906] {SPR_SMIT,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_STALAGTITE [907] {SPR_COL1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TALLGRNCOL [908] {SPR_COL2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SHRTGRNCOL [909] {SPR_COL3,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TALLREDCOL [910] {SPR_COL4,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SHRTREDCOL [911] {SPR_CAND,32768,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CANDLESTIK [912] {SPR_CBRA,32768,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_CANDELABRA [913] {SPR_COL6,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SKULLCOL [914] {SPR_TRE1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TORCHTREE [915] {SPR_TRE2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BIGTREE [916] {SPR_ELEC,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_TECHPILLAR [917] {SPR_CEYE,32768,6,{NULL},S_EVILEYE2,0,0}, // S_EVILEYE [918] {SPR_CEYE,32769,6,{NULL},S_EVILEYE3,0,0}, // S_EVILEYE2 [919] {SPR_CEYE,32770,6,{NULL},S_EVILEYE4,0,0}, // S_EVILEYE3 [920] {SPR_CEYE,32769,6,{NULL},S_EVILEYE,0,0}, // S_EVILEYE4 [921] {SPR_FSKU,32768,6,{NULL},S_FLOATSKULL2,0,0}, // S_FLOATSKULL [922] {SPR_FSKU,32769,6,{NULL},S_FLOATSKULL3,0,0}, // S_FLOATSKULL2 [923] {SPR_FSKU,32770,6,{NULL},S_FLOATSKULL,0,0}, // S_FLOATSKULL3 [924] {SPR_COL5,0,14,{NULL},S_HEARTCOL2,0,0}, // S_HEARTCOL [925] {SPR_COL5,1,14,{NULL},S_HEARTCOL,0,0}, // S_HEARTCOL2 [926] {SPR_TBLU,32768,4,{NULL},S_BLUETORCH2,0,0}, // S_BLUETORCH [927] {SPR_TBLU,32769,4,{NULL},S_BLUETORCH3,0,0}, // S_BLUETORCH2 [928] {SPR_TBLU,32770,4,{NULL},S_BLUETORCH4,0,0}, // S_BLUETORCH3 [929] {SPR_TBLU,32771,4,{NULL},S_BLUETORCH,0,0}, // S_BLUETORCH4 [930] {SPR_TGRN,32768,4,{NULL},S_GREENTORCH2,0,0}, // S_GREENTORCH [931] {SPR_TGRN,32769,4,{NULL},S_GREENTORCH3,0,0}, // S_GREENTORCH2 [932] {SPR_TGRN,32770,4,{NULL},S_GREENTORCH4,0,0}, // S_GREENTORCH3 [933] {SPR_TGRN,32771,4,{NULL},S_GREENTORCH,0,0}, // S_GREENTORCH4 [934] {SPR_TRED,32768,4,{NULL},S_REDTORCH2,0,0}, // S_REDTORCH [935] {SPR_TRED,32769,4,{NULL},S_REDTORCH3,0,0}, // S_REDTORCH2 [936] {SPR_TRED,32770,4,{NULL},S_REDTORCH4,0,0}, // S_REDTORCH3 [937] {SPR_TRED,32771,4,{NULL},S_REDTORCH,0,0}, // S_REDTORCH4 [938] {SPR_SMBT,32768,4,{NULL},S_BTORCHSHRT2,0,0}, // S_BTORCHSHRT [939] {SPR_SMBT,32769,4,{NULL},S_BTORCHSHRT3,0,0}, // S_BTORCHSHRT2 [940] {SPR_SMBT,32770,4,{NULL},S_BTORCHSHRT4,0,0}, // S_BTORCHSHRT3 [941] {SPR_SMBT,32771,4,{NULL},S_BTORCHSHRT,0,0}, // S_BTORCHSHRT4 [942] {SPR_SMGT,32768,4,{NULL},S_GTORCHSHRT2,0,0}, // S_GTORCHSHRT [943] {SPR_SMGT,32769,4,{NULL},S_GTORCHSHRT3,0,0}, // S_GTORCHSHRT2 [944] {SPR_SMGT,32770,4,{NULL},S_GTORCHSHRT4,0,0}, // S_GTORCHSHRT3 [945] {SPR_SMGT,32771,4,{NULL},S_GTORCHSHRT,0,0}, // S_GTORCHSHRT4 [946] {SPR_SMRT,32768,4,{NULL},S_RTORCHSHRT2,0,0}, // S_RTORCHSHRT [947] {SPR_SMRT,32769,4,{NULL},S_RTORCHSHRT3,0,0}, // S_RTORCHSHRT2 [948] {SPR_SMRT,32770,4,{NULL},S_RTORCHSHRT4,0,0}, // S_RTORCHSHRT3 [949] {SPR_SMRT,32771,4,{NULL},S_RTORCHSHRT,0,0}, // S_RTORCHSHRT4 [950] {SPR_HDB1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGNOGUTS [951] {SPR_HDB2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGBNOBRAIN [952] {SPR_HDB3,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGTLOOKDN [953] {SPR_HDB4,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGTSKULL [954] {SPR_HDB5,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGTLOOKUP [955] {SPR_HDB6,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_HANGTNOBRAIN [956] {SPR_POB1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_COLONGIBS [957] {SPR_POB2,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_SMALLPOOL [958] {SPR_BRS1,0,-1,{NULL},S_NULL,0,0}, // S_BRAINSTEM [959] {SPR_TLMP,32768,4,{NULL},S_TECHLAMP2,0,0}, // S_TECHLAMP [960] {SPR_TLMP,32769,4,{NULL},S_TECHLAMP3,0,0}, // S_TECHLAMP2 [961] {SPR_TLMP,32770,4,{NULL},S_TECHLAMP4,0,0}, // S_TECHLAMP3 [962] {SPR_TLMP,32771,4,{NULL},S_TECHLAMP,0,0}, // S_TECHLAMP4 [963] {SPR_TLP2,32768,4,{NULL},S_TECH2LAMP2,0,0}, // S_TECH2LAMP [964] {SPR_TLP2,32769,4,{NULL},S_TECH2LAMP3,0,0}, // S_TECH2LAMP2 [965] {SPR_TLP2,32770,4,{NULL},S_TECH2LAMP4,0,0}, // S_TECH2LAMP3 [966] {SPR_TLP2,32771,4,{NULL},S_TECH2LAMP,0,0}, // S_TECH2LAMP4 [967] {SPR_TNT1,0,-1,{NULL},S_TNT1,0,0}, // S_TNT1 ======================================================================= ########################### THING DEFAULT "BITS" VALUES ########################### This comes directly from the source code, with Thing numbers added. The item names are those used in the source code, not necessarily what Dehacked might call them. They should all be identical to the defaults in DOOM(2) except where translucency has been added and for the two Things for PUSH and PULL wind sources at the end. 1 PLAYER SOLID+SHOOTABLE+DROPOFF+PICKUP+NOTDMATCH 2 POSSESSED SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 3 SHOTGUY SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 4 VILE SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 5 FIRE NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 6 UNDEAD SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 7 TRACER NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY 8 SMOKE NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 9 FATSO SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 10 FATSHOT NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 11 CHAINGUY SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 12 TROOP SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 13 SERGEANT SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 14 SHADOWS SOLID+SHOOTABLE+SHADOW+COUNTKILL 15 HEAD SOLID+SHOOTABLE+FLOAT+NOGRAVITY+COUNTKILL 16 BRUISER SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 17 BRUISERSHOT NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 18 KNIGHT SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 19 SKULL SOLID+SHOOTABLE+FLOAT+NOGRAVITY 20 SPIDER SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 21 BABY SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 22 CYBORG SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 23 PAIN SOLID+SHOOTABLE+FLOAT+NOGRAVITY+COUNTKILL 24 WOLFSS SOLID+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 25 KEEN SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY+SHOOTABLE+COUNTKILL 26 BOSSBRAIN SOLID+SHOOTABLE 27 BOSSSPIT NOBLOCKMAP+NOSECTOR 28 BOSSTARGET NOBLOCKMAP+NOSECTOR 29 SPAWNSHOT NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+NOCLIP 30 SPAWNFIRE NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 31 BARREL SOLID+SHOOTABLE+NOBLOOD 32 TROOPSHOT NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 33 HEADSHOT NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 34 ROCKET NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY 35 PLASMA NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 36 BFG NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 37 ARACHPLAZ NOBLOCKMAP+MISSILE+DROPOFF+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 38 PUFF NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 39 BLOOD NOBLOCKMAP 40 TFOG NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 41 IFOG NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY+TRANSLUCENT 42 TELEPORTMAN NOBLOCKMAP+NOSECTOR 43 EXTRABFG NOBLOCKMAP+NOGRAVITY 44 MISC0 SPECIAL 45 MISC1 SPECIAL 46 MISC2 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM 47 MISC3 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM 48 MISC4 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 49 MISC5 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 50 MISC6 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 51 MISC7 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 52 MISC8 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 53 MISC9 SPECIAL+NOTDMATCH 54 MISC10 SPECIAL 55 MISC11 SPECIAL 56 MISC12 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM+TRANSLUCENT 57 INV SPECIAL+COUNTITEM+TRANSLUCENT 58 MISC13 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM 59 INS SPECIAL+COUNTITEM+TRANSLUCENT 60 MISC14 SPECIAL 61 MISC15 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM 62 MISC16 SPECIAL+COUNTITEM 63 MEGA SPECIAL+COUNTITEM+TRANSLUCENT 64 CLIP SPECIAL 65 MISC17 SPECIAL 66 MISC18 SPECIAL 67 MISC19 SPECIAL 68 MISC20 SPECIAL 69 MISC21 SPECIAL 70 MISC22 SPECIAL 71 MISC23 SPECIAL 72 MISC24 SPECIAL 73 MISC25 SPECIAL 74 CHAINGUN SPECIAL 75 MISC26 SPECIAL 76 MISC27 SPECIAL 77 MISC28 SPECIAL 78 SHOTGUN SPECIAL 79 SUPERSHOTGUN SPECIAL 80 MISC29 SOLID 81 MISC30 SOLID 82 MISC31 SOLID 83 MISC32 SOLID 84 MISC33 SOLID 85 MISC34 SOLID 86 MISC35 SOLID 87 MISC36 SOLID 88 MISC37 SOLID 89 MISC38 SOLID 90 MISC39 SOLID 91 MISC40 SOLID 92 MISC41 SOLID 93 MISC42 SOLID 94 MISC43 SOLID 95 MISC44 SOLID 96 MISC45 SOLID 97 MISC46 SOLID 98 MISC47 SOLID 99 MISC48 SOLID 100 MISC49 0 101 MISC50 SOLID 102 MISC51 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 103 MISC52 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 104 MISC53 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 105 MISC54 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 106 MISC55 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 107 MISC56 SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 108 MISC57 SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 109 MISC58 SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 110 MISC59 SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 111 MISC60 SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 112 MISC61 0 113 MISC62 0 114 MISC63 0 115 MISC64 0 116 MISC65 0 117 MISC66 0 118 MISC67 0 119 MISC68 0 120 MISC69 0 121 MISC70 SOLID 122 MISC71 0 123 MISC72 SOLID 124 MISC73 SOLID 125 MISC74 SOLID 126 MISC75 SOLID 127 MISC76 SOLID 128 MISC77 SOLID 129 MISC78 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 130 MISC79 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 131 MISC80 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 132 MISC81 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 133 MISC82 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 134 MISC83 SOLID+SPAWNCEILING+NOGRAVITY 135 MISC84 NOBLOCKMAP 136 MISC85 NOBLOCKMAP 137 MISC86 NOBLOCKMAP 138 PUSH NOBLOCKMAP 139 PULL NOBLOCKMAP /// end of file BOOMDEH.TXT - last revised 8/28/98